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1936 A total of 10 teachers; 3 men and 7 ladies. Ten
bus routes, the most in all of Story County, transported
the students from the 36-square miles of Milford
Twp. Enrollment: 168; 93 boys and 75 girls.
1936-’37 Prof Alvin R.Edgar,ISC professor;Band-twice a week
1936-’37 Miss Marcella Benson;Eng,Music(1+?)
1936-’37,1941-’42 Miss Dorothy Dunn;SocSci(2+?)
1936-’37 Mr Otto Sheel;Sci(1+?)
1936-’37 Miss Margaret Byal ;Typing (A lst!), Hygiene,
 JrHi (1+?) See page 287.
1936-’37 Miss Margaret Clark;JrHi Dept(1+?)
1936-’39 Miss Maxine Narland;4-5th(3yrs)
1936-’37 Miss Anne Tillard; 2-3rd (1+?) Perhaps 4th
1936-’37 Mrs Margaret Hereim(Milford Twp’30) Gilreath
 1st(1yr).See 1943 & 1951.Total 7yrs See pg 205
1937-’39 Mr Harry Arthur; Coach, Sci, History, Agri(2yrs)
 (Played college ball for UNI)
1937-’38 Miss Alleman/ Miss Rupp Home Ec (lyr?)
1937-’39 Miss Dorothy Neuman;1st(2yrs)
1938 Board contracted for redoing HS assembly.
1938-’43 Miss Pauline Bathe;Music(4+?) (Mrs Radabaugh)
1938-’40 MissMaxiene Murdock;Eng,ComBus,Drama(1+?
1938-’39 Miss Mabel Rickman; HomeEc, Art (1+?)
1938-’39 Mr Robert Larson;6-7-8th(1+?)
1938-’39 Mr Lee Verne Johnson; 6-7th (1+?)
1938-’43 Miss Ruth L. Hauser (Mrs Myron Larsen
 Milford Twp’35); 2-3rd (5yrs)
1939 High school student enrollment:52. Jr-Hi:12 in
 each 7th & 8th, 14 in 1st, 21 in 2nd, 12 in 3rd, 21
 in 4th, 13 in 5th, 15 in 6th.
1939-’42 Mr Darrell Lindberg;Coach,Science (3yrs)
1939-’42 Miss Thelma Lee(Dr Walker);HomeEc(3yrs) Pix 308
1939-’42 Mr J. Edwin Lee;Coach ?, 6-8th(3+?)
1939-’40 Miss Theodora Charlson;l-2nd(1+?)
1940-’41 Ruth Harris; Commercial, English (1+?)
1940-’41 Miss Hazel Palmer;7-8th, Music (l+?)
1941-’45 Mrs Roy Deltha Mason;Com,Hist,Drama(4yrs)
1941-’45 Miss Ruth Halterman; 7-8th (4+?)
1941-’42 Miss Eunice Berglund; 7-8th Music and
 Band (1+?)
1941-’45 Miss Virginia Gore;7-8th (4+?)
1941-’43 Miss Ethlyn Vandehaar; 3-4th (2+?)
1941-’42 Miss Isabelle Ford (Mrs. Wilson L. Forker);
  3-4th (1+?)
1942 Total enrollment 157 with 52 in High School
1942-’44 Miss Ingo Olson;All Music,HS Eng(2+?)
1942-’43 Mr Philip Grout; Principal HS ?(1+?)
1942-’43 Miss Grace Jorgenson;HS ?(1+?)Comm & Drama
1942-’43 Miss Charlotte Moen (Anderson) 6&7 (1+?)
1942-’44 Mrs Ruth Oliver; Music 2yrs
1942-’43 Miss Frances Switzer;HS ? English dd(1+?)
1942-’43 Mrs Hjarmar; 5&6
1942-’43 Mrs Ruth Allen Nelson(Alvin);3-4th (1+?). Also see
 1926. Total (4+?yrs)
1942-’43 Miss Mavis Chapell;1-2nd(1+?)
1943-’46 Mrs Harriet Blum;7-8th (3+?

1943-’44 Miss Ruth Ringgenberg; Hm Ec.,Sci, Gov
 (1yr) (Mrs Randy Matson)
1943-’44 Marjorie Snyder (MrsEvert Bauman) ;1-2nd (1yr)
1943-’44 Miss Delores Meyer(Mrs Earl Kotz);5-6th (1 yr)
1943-’46 Mrs Margaret Hereim(Milford Twp’30)Gilreath
 (Willard'30); 3-4th 3yrs. See 1936 & 1951. Total 7yrs.
1944-’47 Mrs Joyce Ramsey(Frank);Music,Eng 3yrs
1944-’45 Mrs Helen McLaughlin;SocSci(1+?)
1944-’61 Mrs Jessie Johnson Petersen(Sophus);JrHi 17yrs
1944-’48 Mrs Lura Ingersoll Smith(Claude);5-6th(4yrs)
1944-’45 Mrs Betty Sorensen (Laverne both’36);1&2nd(1?)
1945 Student enrollment: 125; 1st=12, 2nd=12, 3rd=14,
 4th=6, 5th=10, 6th=12, 7th=11,8th=8, 9th=10,
 10th=9, 11th=12, 12th=9.
1945-’46 Mrs Hough, Music (lyr)
1946-’48 Mr Wm E.Swim;Supt,Coach,PhysEd (2yrs)
1946-’48 Miss Johnette Edwards (Mrs Quentin Fuks);
 ComBus,Eng (2yrs)
1946-’48 Mrs Donna Westlie Hipps(Owen);HomeEc,Sci,
 Hist (2yrs)
1946-’47 Mrs Rhea, Music,Eng (1yr)
1946-’47 Mrs Lola Swanson;Music,Eng(1+?)
1946-’47 Mrs Elsie Huffhauser Hansen;Math(1+?)
1946-’49 Mrs Melba Harmen Garvin(Robert’Bob’, DVM);3-4th
1946-’49 Mrs Irene Plotner Hauser(Dale);1-2nd (3yrs)
1947-’48 Miss Esmay;music(1+?)
1948-’49 Mr H.H.Harnack;Supt,Bio,Agr (1yr)
1948-’50 Mrs Kathryn Boyd Larson, Principal,ComBus,
 Eng,Hist,Drama (2yrs)
1948-’49 Mr Leo Cramer;Coach,IndArts,Physio,Gov(1yr)
1948-’50 Mrs Beth Cross Doughty;Eng, Music, Home Ec,
 Geometry (2yrs)
1948-’50 Mr R.N. Kjerland;Band(2yrs)
1948-’49 Mrs Ava Nelle Everett(A.C.);5-6th(1yr)
1949 Graduated only 4, all boys, a rare situation. Milford
 Twp smallest class.
1949-’52 Mr Larry Baldus;Supt,Soc,Lat,His(3yrs)
1949-’52 Mr William VanHorn;Principal,Eng,AmHist 3yrs
1949-’51 Mr Stanley Paul; Coach, Man.Train, PhysEd, Hist
1949-’52 Mrs Laura Smith (Wayne); 5-6th 3yrs
1949-’51 Miss Phyllis Robinson Harper(Mrs Joe,Milford
 Twp’47); 3-4th (2yrs)
1949-’51 Mrs Marlys Jacobson(Walter, Milford Twp’39);
 1-2 (2yrs)
1950-’51 Mrs Wilma Haines(Roger);Principal,Voc&Inst
 Music, Eng(1yr)
1950-’51 Mrs Jack Mize;HomeEc (lyr)
1950-’52 Mrs Neva Cummings(M.F.);ComBus (2yrs)
1950-’51 Mrs Huffman;Music&Band(1+?)
1950-’51 Mrs Kirlin;HS? (1+?)
1950-’51 Mrs Militich;1-2nd (1+?)
1951 Fall, only 13 boys in HS.
1951-’52 Mr Gerald Petersen;Coach,Math,His,PhysEd (1yr)

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