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1957 School Board
L to R: Mrs Morris (Frances) Danielson; George Roberts; Don Wakefield; Milo Hadley; John Fitzgerald, President; Leon Wilson, Secretary. Absent: Mrs Ross (Grace) Morfey, Treasurer. This photo most likely taken in the Office above the south front door of the School. That room had served, for years, as the School’s greenhouse as it was smaller and windows on three sides.
Mrs Margaret Hereim ‘30 Gilreath 7 years 1936-’37 1943-’46 (3&4) 1951-’54 (3&4) In Fall of 1948 she taught 5&6 for a short time.
Mrs Vida Doolittle, 5 & 6 7 years 1954-’61. She also taught at the Milford site after the merge with the Nevada system.
1953 Teaching Staff
Front: Mrs Petersen, Mrs Selby, Mrs McFarland, Mrs Gilreath, Mrs Donnielson. Back: Mr Beasmore, Mrs Munson, Mr Brott, Mrs Sandell, Supt Hauswirth, Mr Radanal.
Mrs Margaret Lamson 1954-’61- Taught Remedial Reading 7 years for the entire School. Her husband, Bob, was an ISU coach.
Mrs Dorthea Schindler 1955- ‘59 Wife of Story County Supt who left Milford when the Co Supt job was eliminated. English, History and Vocal Music.The 1959 annual was dedicated to her.
1954 Teaching Staff
Front: Mrs Gilreath ‘30, Mrs Petersen, Mrs McFarland, Mrs Munson, Miss Mary Harper (attended Milford from first thru eighth grade). Back: Mrs Donnielson, Mr Hauswirth, Mr Cochrane, Mr Metcalf, Mrs Sandell. Absent from picture: Mr Shaw. Some random teachers’ pictures on pages 207 and following page 210+.
Mr and Mrs Gerald (1 year 1957) and Georga Anne (3 years 1954-’57) Voigt. One of two, perhaps three, married couples that taught at the same time at Milford. He taught Math, Science and Industrial Arts. She taught Vocal and Instrument Music. Their son, James, started school at Milford in 1955. In 1961, Jim and Marlys Dodds (pg 164) were another couple together on the teaching staff.
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