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1959 Baseball
Front: Bruce Strother, Dick Cox, Ron Pauley, Larry Thompson, Ron Sorem, Dale Petrus. Middle: Ron Strother, Doug Brooks, Arlen Twedt, Bill Jacobson, Ron Rasmusson, Gary Brooks. Back: Coach Don Ramus, Manager David Bhend.
1959 Boys Basketball
Front: Gene Roberts, Arlen Twedt, Doug Brooks, John Grindem, Steven Waugh, Bruce Strother, Ron Sorem, Edward Anderson. Back: David Bhend, Ron Pauley, Dale Petrus, Ron Rasmusson, Steve Jacobson, Bill Jacobson, Ron Strother, Gary Brooks, Larry Thompson, Dick Coy, Coach Don Ramus. Third in the County Tournament. Record 14-8. On 25 Nov 1958 these fellows lost in Roland, 75-43, in what must have been quite a rough game as four Milford lads and three Roland lads fouled out. Bill Jacobson scored 30 points that night. Roland had won the basketball State Championship (Class B) the previous year. See page 202.
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