1956 Baseball

Front: Alan Twedt, Duane Brodie, Larry Miller, Pete Hadley, Bill Jacobson, Jack Allen. Back: Statistician Vernon Olson, Wilbert Hadley, Loyd Hughes, Bob Jacobson, Ronnie Otto, Art Borton, Jimmie Thompson, Coach Ev Cochrane.
1956 Boys Basketball--Story County Champs
Milford Twp had a string of four or five very good boys’ basketball teams in the mid to late 1950’s. This was one of them. They won the Story County Championship that year. Front: Bill Jacobson, Charles Larson, Eddie Allen, Bill Thompson, Roger Thompson, and Ronnie Strother. Back: Statistician Vernon Olson, Alan Twedt, Peter Hadley, Arthur Borton, Ronnie Otto, Bob Jacobson, Norman Honderd, Jack Allen, Larry Miller, Duane Brodie, and Coach Ev Cochrane. Record 21-3. This team scored over 100 points twice, 109-69 over Zearing and 111-48 over Maxwell. Only losses were to Shipley and Roland, however, Milford retaliated by beating both. See page 165.
Ron Otto was selected ‘56 first team All-County. See page 202.