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1954 Girls Basketball
This girls team placed Third in Story County Tournament and Second in the Sectionals and ended the season at 13-13.
Perhaps, maybe arguably, the best girls’ team ever to wear the Milford Red and White. They “Got the furthest” in the tournaments of any Milford Girls Team. The 1954-55 squad won the most games 16-6 but no trophies.
See more pictures on pages 108-110, 266.
Kneeling, Coach Ev Cochrane. Front: Mrs Jessie Petersen, Donna Sorem, Alice Hansen, Elizabeth Haugland, Ruth Warren, Margaret Thompson, Doradene Brodie, and Manager Shirley Molde. Middle: Hazel Horness, Dorothy Sodders, Jurine Borton, Shirley Meyer, Georgia Roberts, Arlene Steward. Back: Janet Anderson, Irene Hodgson, Sandra Mortvedt, Judith Jorgensen, Barbara Sorem. Record 13-13. A picture of the 1954 Junior High girls team is on page 284.
1955 Baseball
Front: Duane Brodie, Larry Miller, Jack Allen, Ronald Otto, Peter Hadley, Loyd Hughes, Dale Hughes, Bob Jacobson, Jimmie Thompson. Back: Earl Otto, David Allen, Coach Ev Cochrane, Art Borton, Eddie Allen, Wilbert Hadley.
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