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Milford Township and Proud of It

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1954 Baseball
Front: Dick Neasham, Bob Jacobson, Jack Allen, Ronald Otto, Larry Miller, Pete Hadley. Back: Marlin Jorgensen, Fritz Morris, Dale Hughes, Ray Thomas, Clarion Thompson, Fred Neasham, David Allen.
1954 Boys Basketball
Front: Alan Twedt, Jack Allen, Fritz Morris, Dale Hughes, Ray Thomas, Clarion Thompson, Fred Neasham, Ronnie Otto, Dick Neasham. Back: Ed Needham, Art Borton, Bob Jacobson, Loyd Hughes, Norman Honderd, Bill Thompson, Wilbert Hadley, Marlin Jorgensen, Vernon Olson, Larry Miller, Duane Brodie, Jimmie Thompson, Pete Hadley. In front Coach Ev Cochrane. Record 17-7, Second in North Story Conference. Four of these loses were to Roland. A story about this team on page 106.
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