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Milford Township and Proud of It

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This fantastic, but poor quality picture, is the only known photo to exist of the six one room schools that sat for a short time in the southwest corner of Sec 15. The date of the photo is the late winter or early spring of 1923. The photographer, unknown now, was standing south of the road and shooting to the north-northwest. The unpaved or ungraveled road passes in front of the photographer and, in the 1950's, a couple of the large trees in the foreground, which shaded the playground area, were identifiable in photos of that era. The larger dark colored shed in the right of the picture is a coal shed. These were moved to the location as were the “privies”. The small dark shed to the right of the picture may be such a structure. Also on page 83.

its way through the court; there was no available cash to begin the construction. There were 117 votes cast in this vote. (89 men and 28 ladies) (61 in favor and 56 against it) The men voted against it (46 against and 43 favored) but the ladies voted 18 for it and 10 against it- so it carried. It is interesting to learn, in this election, there were two boxes for the ballots. One for the gentlemen and the other for the ladies. Exactly why this was done is not mentioned, however, the nineteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution, which dealt with the rights of ladies to vote, had been proposed on 4 June 1919 and was proclaimed on 26 Aug 1920. So, it is speculated, in anticipation of its passage, or possible rejection, the ballots were kept separate. (Amendments giving women the right to vote were introduced in Congress one after another for more than 40 years before this one was finally passed.)

1920 June 17- Part of Milford Township petitions to go to Roland. The paper mentions the west portion of Warren and the (?"southern"?) portion of Milford Twps had petitioned to go to Roland Community School. Apparently all three of the respective school boards would have had to approve this action and there's no further mention of this activity in any of the subsequent papers. At the time, both Warren and Milford Townships were taking steps to form their own consolidated schools.

1920 June 29- A Milford Township man, W.A. Randau, who owned land adjacent to subdistrict No.4 school, filed an order with the District Court asking that the township board be restrained from moving subdistrict

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