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Milford Township and Proud of It

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1949 Boys Basketball
Front Row: Jerry Jacobson, Richard Sorem, Merrill Anderson, Glen Brown. Middle Row: LeRoy Gardner, Art Sorem, Dean Safly, Chuck Hansen. Back Row: Coach Leo Cramer, Dan Needham, John Wakefield, Charles Horness, Jack Morris, Manager Bob Williams. Dan Needham and Jack Morris were the leading scorers with an 8.5 and 8.6 averages. Their record was 10-10 and they tied for second place in the North Story County Conference. Jack Morris was selected as a First Team Forward on the all conference team.
1949 Girls Basketball
E Wayne Cooley, Nevada teacher/coach, and was an official at the time. He left Nevada to become the Executive Director of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union 1954-2002.
Front Row: Norma Jean Gardner, Anne Allen, Bonny Rierson, Alice Grindem, Florine Borton, Joan Cooper. Back Row: Manager Patsy Man- ley, Alyce Matters, Delores Tjelmeland, Rhoda Honderd, Juanita Warren, Lois Warren. Missing donna Rae Steward. Coach- Leo Cramer. Record 1-17: Delores Tjelmeland was the leading scorer with a 9.5 average and Juanita Warren was out standing as guard.
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