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1947 Boys Basketball
Came in Second Place in Story County Tournament

Adapted from a newspaper: 1947- Five Milford Township seniors played their last basketball game in high school competition when they lost to Slater by two points in the finals of the county tournament. Pictured with their coach, Supt Wm Swim, who has coached at Milford for two seasons, they are, from left to right, front row- Stanley Sorem, Richard Couser, Kenneth Watson, Richard Stevenson, Joe Harper (all seniors), Bill Allen, and Harlan Nassen: Back row- LeRoy Gardner, Richard Sorem, Danny Needham, Jack Morris, Glen Brown, Merril Anderson and Coach Swim. The squad won 20 of 24 games this season and has lost but three of its home games during the last two seasons. Allen was the season’s high scorer, Swim was head coach at Chariton before coming to Milford. The trophy in the photo is for the North Story Championship which is shared by Milford, Roland, and Zearing.

1947- Boys Jr High Team of 1942

This picture shows the seniors of 1947 when they were in the seventh grade in 1942. L to R: Dick Couser, Dean Haukoos, Joe Harper, Roger Harper, Bob Watson, Richard Stevenson, Don Morfey, Loren Sampson, Coach J. Edward Lee. (maybe J. Edger Lee)

They, as a team, earned the money to buy the new, sharp uniforms with “Jr H S” written on them. However, no one could recall what type of a project was used as a fund raiser.

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