a 180 in attitude. However, Marguerite, herself, says such was not the case. But at this time, over sixty years later, it is difficult to determine where the opposition to girls’ basketball, at the administrative level, lay. Supt Halverson actually left the field of education to make this move. He started a hardware business which his son, Don, later took over. He then served as County Supt in both Carroll and Pottawattamie Counties. See page 171.

Left: (Milfordite) Marguerite Halverson, on the right, shares a smile with her Coon Rapids teammates following a win on their way to the 1946 Iowa Girls State Basketball Championship. They won this tourna- ment in 1946 after having finished Second in 1945 and Third in 1944. She reports that following the publication of this photo, which was distributed worldwide, she received letters from GI’s from many parts of the globe. Marguerite was also Coon Rapids 1945 Homecoming Queen after only being there for 5 weeks.