Back Row: Arvid Lein, Elmer Watson'35, Otis Cole'33, Supt. Ralph Morgan; Middle Row: Amil Twedt'33, Erwin Alfred'33, Jeff Jacobson'33, Henry Peterson '36Roland?, Robert Alford'34; Front Row: Marim Olinger'34, Ray Watson'34

Milford Coaches: 1925-’28 AJ Michelson 1927-’29 ?BG Halverson? 1928-’29 ?Mr Corder? 1929-’30 Arthur Bielefeldt 1930-’34 Alvin Lein 1934-’35 Virgil Duea 1935-’37 BG Halverson 1937-’39 Harry Arthur 1939-’42 Darrell Lindberg 1942-’45 BG Halverson 1945-’48 Wm Bill Swim 1948-’49 Leo Cramer 1949-’51 Stanley Paul 1951-’52 Gerald Petersen 1952-’53 Barney Beasmore 1953-’56 Ev Cochrane 1956-’58 Lou Schrader 1958-’60 Don Ramus 1960-’ 61 Jim Dodd
First and Second Team-- Back Row: Dwight Fausch, Marvin Jacobson, Walter Dale, Fredrick Eller, Boyd Arrasmith. Middle Row: Coach Duea, LaVerne Jacobson, Edward Eller, Henry Peterson, Elmer Watson, Myron Larsen. Front Row: Clifford Thompson, Robert Lawson. This team had a combined record of 24 wins and 6 loses. These figures are for the Varsity and the Jr Varsity together. The varsity was 11 wins and 6 loses while the JV was undefeated. In this photo the JV team is the group wearing the dark jerseys. Henry Peterson went to Roland for his Senior year and contributed much to their basketball success for that year. The “foliage” on the wall behind the team is an exhibition of various weeds.
In 1936 Milford beat McCallsburg in a basketball game with a baseball type score, 5-3: Milford scored one basket and three free throws and Burg only scored 3 free throws. Apparently only five players played for each team. Supt. Halverson was also the coach.

Front: Dixon Harper, Arnold Nelson, Stan Egland, Harlan Harper, Kermit Molde. Middle: Jim McCord, Ben Durby, Weldon Kingsbury, Ed Larsen, Bill Sharpe, Charles Sorensen. Back: Don “Jack” Borts, Jim Matters, Don Wakefield, Walter Jacobson, Lenard Jones, Kermit Sorensen, Coach Harry Arthur. Bill Sharpe was the leading scorer with his left handed jump shot and once scored 27 in a game. Missing from the picture is Wayne Olinger who played on the varsity as a Soph, Jr and Sr and was a starter as a Jr and Sr. On Tue 30 Nov 1937 the season opener was played against Fernald. The varsity game, which was played before a packed house, was “filled with thrills in a closely guarded contest”. Milford won 14-8.