Right: 1956 Polka Band with Jerry Book at the Helm Left to right: Jerry Book, Connie Petersen, Ronnie Strother, Julie Cox, Nadine Safly, and Mrs Voigt. Notice the very young age of some of participating members in all these photos. This is one of the advantages of a school such as ours-- One could participate at most any age and ability, just have the desire to be a part of the organization. Or, start your own.
Below: 1959 Concert Band, Director C.P. Thompson was also Superintendent.

FRONT ROW: Norene Hughes, Julie Cox, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Karen Thompson, James Cooper, Maxine Horness, Barbara Jacobson, Karen Hughes, Sharon Thompson, Dennis Brooks, Marcia Rasmusson, Linda Brooks, Linda Hughes. BACK ROW: Connie Brooks, Sandra Sorem, Rita Reinhart, Marvin Smith, Dorothy Anderson, Sharon NElson, Nadine Safly, Bruce Stother, Connie Petersen, Dick Thompson, Gene Roberts, Ronnie McVey, Larry Donaldson, Wayne Wierson, Ronnie Brooks, Ron Rasmusson, Steve Waugh, Bernita Jacobson, Loren Book, Mark Danielson, Gary Brooks, Larry Thompson. STANDING: Mr. C. P. Thompson, Director; Sharyl Buchanan, Dennis Twedt, Steve Brooks, Dale Sorem.
Editor Note: In the 3rd grade C. P. Thompson started Karen Hughes on the French Horn. Afther the merger in 1961 she was in the Nevada High School band as a 5th grader and continued until her 1967 graduation. She was also a Milford Twirler and was one of two Nevada High School Senior twirlers.
Editor Note: In the 3rd grade C. P. Thompson started Karen Hughes on the French Horn. Afther the merger in 1961 she was in the Nevada High School band as a 5th grader and continued until her 1967 graduation. She was also a Milford Twirler and was one of two Nevada High School Senior twirlers.