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Ottom:1em;">1947 Music -Milford Music Hits the Big Time

Left: The Milford Twp Boy’s Quartet, composed of seniors (L to R) Richard Stevenson, Dick Couser, Joe Harper, Stanley Sorem, represented Milford Twp, and Iowa, at the National School Music Competition Festival for Region Nine, at St. Joseph, Mo, on May 9 and 10, 1947.

Right Photo: Two Milford girls, Junior Dorothy Murrow, left, an Alto; and Senior Dorothy Tendall, a Metro Soprano received ratings at the national level. This followed winning “one” ratings at the County Contest and winning “one” ratings at the State Music Contest. Music Teacher, Mrs Rhea, Supt Swim, Mr and Mrs Harlan Harper Sr went with the students to St Joseph. They both credit Mrs Ramsey, an earlier music teacher, for much of their success. The 1947 Milford Glee Club also rated a Superior at the State Meet in Boone but did not participate at the National level. Page 307 also.

1949-’50 Milford All School Band
Back Row: Dick Thompson, Carrol Rierson, Ed Needham, Ronald Otto, Duane Brodie, Gary Tjelmeland, Wilbert Hadley, Jurine Borton, Alice Hansen, Donna Sorem, Dale & Loyd & Norene Hughes, Middle Row: Dirc. R.N. Kjerland, Clarion Thompson, Dean Safly, Richard & Larry Roberts. Rhoda Honderd, LeRoy Gardner, Dan Needham, Juanita & Lois Warren, Norma Jean Gardner, Alice Grindem, Florine Borton. Front Row: Doradene Brodie, Jerry Jacobson, Roy Hartman, Art Sorem, Marlene Jacobson, Georgia Roberts, Marlin Jorgensen. This was the first band in several years and there were no seniors in this band.
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