The Fred Huntrods Family

The Fred Huntrods family were early settlers in the McCallsburg community. Both were born in Yorkshire, England and were schoolmates.
He came to America in 1883 and Ellen came in 1884. She came to visit a brother and later married Fred in Illinois.
They moved to a farm near Collins in 1888 and later moved to a farm north of Nevada. They moved to a farm near McCallsburg in 1900 and in 1912, into McCallsburg.
They were the parents of nine children, the eldest of whom, Louise, who was born in Illinois, was married in 1905 to Roy E. Baumgardner. They farmed here and in 1915, moved into town where they have since re-sided.
All but three of the Huntrods children are still living.
OLE C. Hougen
Ole C. Hougen and his brother John purchased the farm one mile west and one mile south of McCallsburg (No. 1/2 of the N. E. 1/4 of Sec. 28 ) in October, 1892 from James E. Sanders. The following spring they moved from Benton County to the farm upon which Ole C. Hougen resided until his death in 1954. Mr. Sanders entered upon this farm in 1872. Until 1957 the only occupants of this farm were the Sanders and Hougen families. This denotes that the settlement of Warren Twp. was not too far in the distant past. It was a fact the last township in Story County to be inhabited.
Ole C. Hougen married Carrie Malmin in 1897, the daughter of Mauritz Malmin a pioneer of Warren Township. They were the parents of eight children, all presently living, born and reared on the farm and graduates of the McCallsburg High School. They are Jeffrey, former County Attorney of Story County, Maurice K. and Harold W. still having farming interests in this community: Chester, presently a State Senator from Black Hawk County, Kermit of Radcliffe, Mildred (Mrs. Roy Thorson) of Hays, Kansas, Hazel (Mrs. Harold Phillips) of Story City and Vivian (Mrs. Aaron Wallach, Ft. Worth, Texas.)
In later years the Hougen family purchased the Fred J. Baumgardner farm (N. E. 1/4 Sec. 29). In passing it may be noted that this farm has been owned by the respective above named families since Mr. Baumgardner first entered upon and occupied the same in the approximate year of 1872.
Osmond O. Ose

OSMOND O. OSE WAS BORN in Aardal, near Stavanger, Norway. At the age of 21 (1883) he came to the United States. A year later, Anna Danielson came from Hjelmeland, Norway. They were married in 1884 and settled in Section 12 in Warren Township. Mrs. Ose died in 1898 leaving six children who grew up on the old homestead. Mr. Ose died in 1952. Pictured above are Oscar Ose, Daniel Ose, Osmund O. Ose (the father), Ellwood Ose and Osmond L. Ose. Ellwood Ose still resides just east of McCallsburg.