The Hanson Family
Peter C. Hanson was a contractor and builder in Chicago before moving to the McCallsburg area when McCallsburg was very young. He had done some of the rebuilding in Chicago after the Chicago fire.
He was a landowner, and at the time of his death, held record title to the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ose, the one occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hill and a farm in Hardin County.
He was engaged in the grain business in McCallsburg, under the firm name of P.C. Hanson & Sons and operated the elevator on the M. & St. L. tracks now owned by the Farmers Co-Operative Company.
P.C. Hanson met his death by being struck by a falling timber while he was building the barn on the now Ose farm.

THREE BELLES of the era - Minnie Hanson, Inga Solyst and Carrie Hanson.
His wife's name was Martha and their sons and daughters were Carrie (Hanson) Billings, deceased, Minnie (Hanson) Shoemaker now of California, Milton C. Hanson now deceased, George Hanson of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Amos C. Hanson now deceased, David Hanson now in a nursing home in Washington State and Frank Hanson now of California.
Many of the above moved to other localities, and people who now live in the McCallsburg area, are most familiar with the Amos C. Hanson family. Amos C. Hanson married Louise Lura and to them were born Clarence Hanson now deceased, who had taken as his wife Tulida Wicks, Mabel Hanson who married Andy Thompson and is now deceased, Lloyd Hanson who married Hattie Nervig and is now deceased, Beatrice Hanson who married Earl Menzel and they now live at Zearing and Albert Hanson who married after going to California and he and his wife now live at Hemet, California.
After the P.C. Hanson & Sons grain business was sold, Amos C. Hanson started a garage business which was located in a frame building on West Main Street and he later built the brick garage and dwelling now owned by Lew Holland, which he operated until retirement. He sold Mitchell automobiles.
The Hanson family did considerable to improve McCallsburg. Amos C. Hanson built several dwelling properties before building the brick garage and dwelling. Minnie (Hanson) Shoemaker built the brick hotel building now used as a nursing home, in which she and her husband operated a hotel for a number of years. Martha Hanson, widow of P.C. Hanson, built the dwelling now owned by the United Presbyterian Church of McCallsburg and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Irvin. Carrie (Hanson) Billings built the home now occupied by Andy Thompson which was built on the North side of McCallsburg and was purchased and moved to its present location by John Peck when the large home at its present location had been destroyed by fire.
Amos C. Hanson was a director in the McCallsburg State Bank, was a member of the school board at the time when the McCallsburg Independent District was consolidated with the various Township school districts and was an elder in the McCallsburg Presbyterian Church. He was civic minded and always willing to help with anything that would improve the community.
The Guthrie Family
The Guthrie family came from Adams County, Ohio. Adam Guthrie married Lovina Dakins of Lincoln Township in 1876.
They were the parents of seven children. The children were Rebecca, Henry Anthrum, Benjamin H., Soloman W. (Solly), Mable Guthrie Nagle, Anna Guthrie Nelson and Alice Guthrie. Adam Guthrie died on August 8, 1917 and Lovina died on January 16, 1922. Only two children survive, Rev. Benjamin H. Guthrie living in Fresno, California and Miss Alice Guthrie living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Many of the neighbors and friends of the Guthrie family were the Galbreaths, Griffiths, Harris families, Springers, Mills, Pecks, Schaupers, Bears, Tetts, Reids, Baumgardners, Billings, Bostons, Hansons, Luras, Solysts, Babcocks, and many others.
The Nelson Family
Nehemiah Henry Nelson, son of Henry and Amelia Nelson married Anna Guthrie, daughter of Adam and Lovina Guthrie. They were the parents of Lucille Nelson Johnson living in Zearing and Ilo Nelson Butler living in Ames. Nehemiah Henry Nelson died in 1937 and Anna died in 1957.
Mr. Nelson, usually called N.H., was in the Banking and Real Estate Business in McCallsburg. Some of his business associates and friends were Ray Johnson, Drake and Ballard, Peterson, Ose, Grove, Boyd, Lane, W.H. Reid, Andy Thompson, and many others.
The Johnson Family
Mr. Lewis Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson married Anna Theadora Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Erickson northeast of McCallsburg. They were the parents of Alfred, Edward, both of Zearing, Lawrence, Carroll and Avis Johnson Finnie all of Des Moines. One son Milford passed away in 1961. Lewis Johnson passed away in 1911. Mrs. Johnson and her children lived on different farms and then lived in McCallsburg in her later years.
Anna Johnson passed away in 1956.