Martin T. Waula
Martin T. Waula (1851-1918) purchased an 140-acre farm in 1885. His wife was Anne Johnson, a daughter of Ole R. Johnson who lived nearby.
They were the parents of four children. The only survivor today is Clara, wife of John Hauptly, and they reside in McCallsburg.
Mr. Waula was the township assessor for many years.
Andrew Egenes
Andrew Egenes was a Civil War Veteran. He with his family, a son and daughter, came to Warren Township from Benton County in 1881 and made their home two miles north of town. The son, John, was the local depot agent (1889-1891). He was then transferred to Story City Iowa Central Depot as agent there.
The daughter, Christy, became the wife of Tom O. Johnson and they established their home in NW1/4 Sec. 10. They were the parents of four sons. The two survivors are Joseph and Edward who now live in retirement on the home place.
F. J. Baumgardner Family
Frederick J. Baumgardner was born in Canton Berne, Switzerland, on June 15, 1849. He came to this country with his parents in 1852 at the age of three. They lived in Illinois for some time. Afterwards the family moved to Wapello County, Iowa, where they remained for a number of years. On October 12, 1871, at the age of twenty-two, he was married to Lizzie Warder.
They moved to Story County, Iowa on a farm south west of McCallsburg. They had seven children and only one is living, Roy Baumgardner.
Fred Schauper Family
Fred Schauper was born in Wisconsin in 1848. In September 1870 he went to Illinois and while there he was married. They lived there for some time. Then they came to Iowa and settled on a farm near Zearing. To this union were born five children.
He purchased a farm northeast of McCallsburg. They retired in Nevada, Iowa.
Thomas Chentland Family
![Thomas Chentland Family](images/p51a.jpg)
THOMAS CHENTLAND was born August 5, 1859 in Stavanger, Norway. He came to America May 26, 1881 and settled first in Story City. He worked for a time on a farm around Roland and then bought a farm three miles north of McCallsburg in 1888. In 1896 he married Dorthea Twedt. To this union were born nine children, three boys and six girls, all living. In picture, back row, Lena (Mrs. Swen Maling), Forest City and Bertha (Mrs. Thomas Eness), Garner. Middle row, Martin and Otis, McCallsburg and Edward of Nevada. Front row, Thomas Chentland (deceased), Verna (Mrs. Harry Rodberg), Forest City; Selma, Bethany Manor, Story City; Della (Mrs. Carl Vaage), Forest City; Clara (Mrs. Arnold Christensen), McCallsburg and Mrs. Thomas Chentland, deceased.