a campaign for ingathering of funds. No building operation was to be started until a minimum of $25,000 was reached. On December 8, 1944 the congregation was incorporated.
Because prices had risen it was not until at the annual meeting in January 1950 that definite action to build was taken. There was now $30,000 in the building fund. A building committee was elected at this meeting, A. J. Bergland, chm., B. M. Bergland, M. T. Caltvedt, Chester Pearson, Ernest Hougen and O. E. Ritland. In March 1950 this committee called a special meeting and presented the plans. Also at this meeting, it was decided the old location would be sold and the location of the new church was decided upon. The location selected was on West Main Street on two lots. Peter Egenes donated the corner lot and the other lot to the west was purchased making a nice new location. Henry Becker of Sheffield was engaged as a building contractor,
Excavation of the basement for the new church was started July 25, 1950 and the actual building operations were started on July 31, 1950. The brief cornerstone ceremony was held September 17, 1950. Rev. B. O. Lokensgaard of Marshalltown, president of Story City circuit, assisted by the local pastor, Rev. H. N. Bakke, officially laid the cornerstone. An offering was received towards the building fund at this ceremony.
A community day for the Building Fund was held on March 16, 1951. Many donations were sold to a large number that attended the sale. The sale netted $4,100.
Through the courtesy of the American Legion, the congregation met for Sunday worship at the Legion Hall from the time the old church was razed until it was possible to have the first service in the church basement on Easter Sunday, March 25, 1951.
In 1952, the finishing progressed more slowly because it depended on funds. Late in 1952, the new pews were ordered and they arrived in March 1953.
The first formal services were held Easter Sunday April 5, 1953 with an attendance of about 300 people.
On January 12, 1961, a fund was started to build an educational unit. Ground was broken on May 15, 1966 and a dedication service held on April 28, 1968. The new unit has fourteen classrooms, and a Sunday School office. The cost of the building was approximately $55,000. Those on the building committee were Lawrence Knaphus, Vern Nelson, Alfred Mannes, Otis Jorstad and Curtis Henderson.
Rev. Bruno Schlacthaufen, Iowa District President, officiated at the Dedication April 28, 1968. The congregation has grown through the years and now has about 590 baptized members.
The pastors who have served Bethany Lutheran are Rev. Christian C. Holter, 1893-1896; Rev. J. N. Sandven, 1897-1923; Rev. Truman H. Benson, 1923-1927; Rev. H. N. Bakke, 1928-1953 and Rev. Perry R. Heller, 1954-.
Charter members were Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Klungtvedt and family; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Thompson and family; Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Solyst and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Malmin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Jenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Erickson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Jacobson and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Erickson and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Erickson and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Olson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Olson, Mrs. Ane Hauskins, M. E. Helland, Rasmus Larson, O. C. and John Hougen.
The charter member today is Clara Malmin Egenes.