Bethany Lutheran Church
"The groves were God's first temples."—Author Unknown
Bethany Lutheran congregation was organized September 15, 1893 by Rev. C. C. Holter, pastor of Salem's Church, Roland. He continued to serve until 1896. A small group with their families and a few single men became charter members. Before the congregation was organized, some families attended services at Roland; others because of the distance worshipped in various homes and school houses with laymen, and occasionally pastors conducting the services.
The services of the newly organized congregation were always held on Sunday afternoon, at first once a month and later more often. The Christian, or Presbyterian Church, located where the parsonage is now located, became the meeting place. The first officers were T. J. Klungtvedt, deacon; M. Malmin, S. Erickson and Hans Olson as trustees., O.J. Solyst, secretary, and C. B. Thompson, treasurer.

About 1900, the congregation decided to build its own church. It was in 1901, the building operation began with Nels Logan of Albert Lea, Minn., as the contractor, and was completed in 1902 at the cost of $3,000. The dedication was June 14, 1903 by M. G. Hanson, then President of the Hauge Synod. The congregation became affiliated with the Hauge Synod in 1897.
In March 1897, Rev. J. N. Sandven became the new pastor at Salem's and also served Bethany and continued to serve until 1923 when the congregation felt that it would be able to support a local resident pastor. Rev. T. H. Benson was installed as the pastor April 23, 1923 by Rev. J. N. Sandven. His services were continued until his resignation July, 1927.
With a resident pastor, a parsonage became necessary and in 1923 a residence was purchased from M. Malmin. This parsonage was dedicated by Rev. H.C. Holm. The congregation enjoyed consistent and encouraging growth.
Late in 1927 the Zion congregation, which had been in the Roland parish, held a joint meeting with Bethany and it was decided that these two congregations form a parish, and jointly meet to call a minister. Rev. H. N. Bakke, then of Peterson, Minn., was called and came to the parish July 5, 1928 and was installed July 22, 1928 by H. C. Holm. Rev. Bakke served both Bethany and Zion for twenty five years and was honored July 19, 1953 at a special service in recognition of the anniversary.
During the time Rev. Benson left until Rev. Bakke took up his service the congregation was served by neighboring pastors. Special mention is made of Rev. G. O. Paulsrud and Rev. Peder Buland.
In 1929, the congregation bought an unused building on Main Street and it was remodeled and dedicated as a parish house. It became the meeting place for small gatherings and of different organizations.
As early as 1896 the congregation had a month of parochial school with T. J. Klungtvedt as teacher and these vacation schools continued for many years. A few early teachers were Bertha Evenson, Thor Sigmond, J. T. Munkejord, Theo Lerud, and N. O. Pederson.
The Sunday School was started in 1896 by T. J. Klungtvedt, O. J. Solyst was his assistant. In 1898, other teachers were Thor Nelson and O. Christopherson. Since worship was in the afternoon, the Sunday School sessions were also in the afternoon and were followed by laymen services except when the pastor came once a month. All of these services were in the Norwegian language. The youth of confirmation age before 1900 went to Salem's at Roland for instruction and were confirmed with the classes there.
In 1920, the graded system was introduced in the Sunday School with Alta Hougen as superintendent. Others who have served as superintendents since 1922 are Virgil Hougen, O. E. Ritland, R. A. Thompson, A. J. Bergland, S. Holland who served for 12 years and Mrs. C. E. Baumgardner, the present superintendent who has served for ten years.
Already in 1938 serious thought was given to a much needed new church plant. In 1940, the question arose of whether the church should be remodeled or a new one built to give more adequate room. No definite decision was made until 1944 when at a special meeting held July 19, it was again discussed and voted to start