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McCallsburg Centennial 1869-1969

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it was sold to Roscoe McKinney. He added about twenty feet to the rear of the building, did some remodeling, and Burg Lanes opened in the fall of 1960. Nearly every business in McCallsburg and many in neighboring towns sponsor bowling teams, and this has proved to be a very fine recreation for both the young and the old of the community.


Things along main street are very much alive in 1969. Robert Ruble and Glen Irvin are operating a fine new service station near the east end of the business district. Doctor DuBois has constructed an attractive new brick building which he will lease to the government for the McCallsburg post office. Sinclair opened a new fertilizer plant in town about two years ago, and last fall the Farmers Co-op added a similar plant to their facilities. Natural gas service will be brought into McCallsburg within a year, and there are good prospects for a new sewer system in the near future.

Although we cannot boast of any population increase in the last half century, we believe that the town has made progress. If events continue as they have in the last twenty years, McCallsburg should win the fight to survive. The automobile and good roads have made it possible for people to live here and commute to jobs in Ames and Nevada. We trust that there will be many who will continue to prefer the small town atmosphere.

What the future years will bring, nobody can foretell. If its citizens continue to be interested and cooperative in matters relating to the progress of the community, McCallsburg should continue to advance.

McCallsburg Incorporates

A hundred years have passed since the first settlers started building the town of McCallsburg. The first house built 100 years ago in McCallsburg was on the Gerhard Malmin premises in the north part of town, where the Cecil Hendersons now live. This first house burned down later. There is no record of who lived in this house. The second house was built on the lot just east of the first one, where the Postmistress, Velma Olson now lives.

In 1902 a jail and city hall were built on leased ground. Records don't tell how many cells were in the jail; but on June 23, 1920 the jail committee reported one cell finished with the exception of the lock, and on October 6, 1920 a bill for $4.00 for bedding for the City jail was presented by the Merchantile Co., and voted to be paid. This building, no longer used, was sold by the town to Mrs. Lottie Thompson in August, 1948. It was then moved to the east end of Main Street and made into a residence. The Richard Thompsons now live in it.

The town was incorporated in the early spring of 1901, and the first election of officers was held on March 25, 1901.

First officers elected were as follows: mayor - W. O. Bates; clerk - C.H. Beach; treasurer - O.I. Reid; assessor - W.H. Reid. Councilmen were - O.P. Bear, G.P. Eyler, John Peck, M.P. Frisbie, J.H. Durstine, O C. Hanson.

During the month of March 1901 while the ordinances were being drawn up, and other items of business were pending in order to get a town government started, the council held 7 special meetings, and 5 special meetings in April.

Following are the first ten ordinances of the town:

1. - An ordinance creating the office of town marshall and defining his duties.

2. - An ordinance creating the office of street commissioner and defining his duties.

3. - An ordinance providing for bonds for certain officers.

4. - An ordinance relating to the classification and construction of sidewalks.

5. - An ordinance to establish rules and regulations governing the Incorporated town of McCallsburg, Iowa.

6. - An ordinance relating to stock running at large.

7. - An ordinance relating to streets and alleys.

8. - An ordinance providing license for certain business and occupations and for the collection thereof.

9. - An ordinance relating to certain permanent committees and defining their duties.

10. - An ordinance to prohibit games of chance.

In 1951 a new water system was put in. The fire truck was bought in about 1948 and a fire station was built.

These men have served as Mayors of McCallsburg -W.O. Bates - 1901; Maurice Pearl - 1902; J.H. Boston -1903-1904; John Peck - 1905-1906; C.E. Harris - 1907- 08-09; J.H. Galbreath 1910-1912; W.B. Illingsworth 1912- (Protem); J.H. Galbreath 1913-1916; C.E. Harris 1917-1918; J.H. Galbreath 1919-1924; J. H. Boston 1925-1935; F. J. Tett 1931-1932; Gerhard Malmin - 1933-1936; Otis Olson - 1937-1942; Martin Haukoos - 1942 (Filled vacancy due to Olsons' death); C.W. Springer -1943-1947; Harlan Tett - 1947-1950; Rasmus Thompson - 1951-1953; William Tett - 1953-1958; Willis Mills -1958-1969.

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