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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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Grade President Vice Pres. Sec. and Treas. Sponser
Eighth Harriet Sokol Earl Robinson Hazel Dulany Miss Signs
Seventh Helen Stevens Forrest Lafferty Gladys Hennick Mr. Pope

October 14, 1926 Senior Class Picnic - A senior class picnic was held in Gearhart’s timber Thursday, October 7. Only two cars found mud a bad friend. Those cars were, however, fortunate in getting there in time for a wiener and pickle. While waiting for eating time to come a football game was attempted but, as a whole the seniors are yet tender. Some that were a little (hungrier) hungry than the rest stood under red haw trees eating red haws almost as fast as they could shake them down. The picnic adjourned early and successful thanks to Mr. Gearhart, for he played a big part in making it a successful picnic.

Junior Class Picnic - The Juniors gather the ambition to have a picnic about two days before the Seniors on Tuesday, October 5. An interesting game of football was played and won by a team led by Captain Jones. The losing team was led by Captain Cummings, known throughout the county as a star football player. The Juniors seemed to be in a playful mood the next day so they must have had a good time the evening before.

Mothers of third grade children! It might interest you to know that Miss Emerson, their teacher, is giving a party for you Friday afternoon beginning at 2 o’clock. An interesting afternoon is assured and Miss Emerson would be greatly pleased with your presence.

October 14, 1926 Basketball - Basketball prospects look good for this year. Although only four letterman are left from last year, Coach Applegate can see good material in other men. The four lettermen are Mills, Keagle, Sheckles and Halterman. Regular practice started last Monday. With the help of Collins this team can clean up on the following schedule:

Nov. 19 – Fernald, here Nov. 28 – Milford, here Dec. 8 – Open

Dec. 10 – Maxwell, here
Dec. 19 – Cambridge, here
January 7 – Slater, there
January 14 – McCallsburg, here
January 19 – Gilbert, there
January 21 – State Center, here
January 28 – Milford, there
February 4 – Kellogg, there
February 11 – Colo, there
February 18 – Slater, here

Of these games, the girls will play Maxwell, Cambridge, Slater, Gilbert, State Center and Slater at Collins. It has been arranged so the Collins Independent

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