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Collins School Chronological Biography

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April 12, 1982. Historic Collins fire cart restored. In the early 1800's the fire cart was the means to get to the fire and get it put out. The Collins fire department has one of these fire carts on display at the fire station. The fire cart was run by two teams of firemen. Usually, each team numbered six.

April 15, 1982. Collins-Maxwell merger vote set on Tuesday, May 11. Balloting in both cities will be held from 12:00 noon until 8:00 p.m. at the Maxwell and Collins City halls. Those planning to vote in the election are reminded they absolutely must be registered to vote by April 30 in order to be eligible to participate in the election. Voter registrations will be taken by the city clerks of the two communities through this Friday, April 16. After that date, any registrations should be made at the Story County courthouse in Nevada until the cutoff date of April 30. More information on the upcoming election will be forthcoming in future issues.

April 16, 1982. An informative meeting concerning the upcoming Collins-Maxwell school district merger election will be held in the gym here at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 19. The Department of Instruction Studies of Merger Feasibility will be discussed and persons who wish will be given the opportunity to go to the microphone and address the assembly. Two more meetings will be held before the May 11, merger election. On Wednesday, April 25, a joint meeting of the Collins and Maxwell school boards will be held in the lunch room at Maxwell at 7:00 p.m.

On Tuesday, May 4, a community meeting to discuss the school reorganization will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Collins School gym. All interested persons are welcome to attend any or all of these meetings.

April 20, 1982. Monday night's meeting to answer questions on the proposed Collins-Maxwell school district merger was peaceful and most everything that was said was in favor of the merger. School board president Tom Lovig presided and reminded those present that they must be registered to vote in the May 11 merger election.

Board member Mike Mullihan reviewed the two Department of Public Instruction studies showing that merger with either Maxwell or Colo would be feasible, and the suggestions in these studies as to how grades would be distributed among the towns if the merger does take place. He noted that the suggestions are not binding on the school boards. Mullihan also reviewed the effects on taxes a merger would have.

Each of the school board members answered some of the questions that were submitted earlier by residents of the district. Lovig: Maxwell will probably make as many sacrifices as Collins. There can be no guarantee as to what will happen five or ten years down the road. -- Future boards cannot be bound by present board action. New school colors and mascot will probably be chosen if the districts merge. If the merger doesn't pass, Collins will cut extracurricular activities and not give pay increases to staff members next year: The district might have to tuition out its students, in which case the state would step in and assign the students to another district. If the merger fails and petitions are brought forth for a Collins-Colo merger, the board will proceed on that.

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