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Collins School Chronological Biography

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April 1, 1981. The Maxwell and Collins boards of education met in joint session at Maxwell on March 30. It was agreed the eleventh grade Collins students will go to Maxwell for classes -- physics, advanced math, chemistry, algebra II, shorthand, advanced typing and office practice.

Maxwell ninth grade will go to Collins for English I, Spanish I, industrial arts I, homemaking I, and art.

Collins ninth and tenth grade students will go to Maxwell for classes in geometry, algebra, general math, and typing.

Various other topics were discussed to implement classes for the next year.

Each school will take care of their own transportation.

A new 81-82 school calendar was adopted with school beginning August 26 of 1981, ending May 27 of 1982.

April 8, 1981. First Dinner Theatre for Collins Friday. The junior and senior classes are cooperating to present the first Collins Dinner Theatre on Friday, April 10, 1981, at 6:30 p.m. in the gym. A spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings will be served followed by the hilarious "Deadly Ernest."

April 10, 1981. Kimberly Romp and Debra Richards of Collins have been named United States Cheerleader award winner for 1981. They were nominated by the Collins cheerleader sponsor, Mrs. Dale Puderbaugh for this national award. The academy selects the USCAA winners upon the exclusive recommendations of the cheerleader sponsor and the official standards for selection set forth by the USAA. The criteria for selection includes the following: Cheerleading ability, sportsmanship, citizenship, leadership, academics, enthusiasm, poise and projection, personal grooming, attendance, attitude, and cooperative spirit. Kim and Debra will appear in the United States Achievement Academy official yearbook published annually.

April 16, 1981. The 1981 Collins Alumni banquet will be held May 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school gym. The 50 and 25 year classes will be honored. Other classes planning reunions, please contact Jerry or Dorothy Thornton.

April 28, 1981. The Collins Board of Education met April 20. Superintendent gave his report, noting the Bankers Life Health Insurance rates will go up 19.8% for next year.

Career Day for high school students on April 13 was called a big success.

A ball field is being developed east of the school for little boys and girls.

A driver education car will be secured from Coover's in Nevada for summer driver education.

The pitching machine has been delivered and the new girls softball uniforms have arrived.

Proposed elementary and secondary schedules for 1981 - 82 were discussed.

Junior-senior banquet plans were reviewed.

The Board discussed and reviewed 1981-82 budget.

The Board accepted the low bid of $5726.60 from Ruggles of Nevada for summer painting and repair of parts of the gym, elementary windows, and hallways by the gym. Money is to come from the school house fund.

Van Sickle of Nevada was low bidder for sidewalk repair with a bid of $3745.50. The money is to come from the school house fund.

The Board approved raises of 5.6% for non-certified personnel and the superintendent except for the head custodian who was raised to the limit allowed by social security.

The Board set the charge for summer baseball and softball season tickets at $7.00 for adults and $3.50 for students.

Noah Flett will mow the school lawn this summer at a wage of $500.

The contract of Mrs. Joyce Stocks for home economics and junior high science for 1981-82 was approved.

A special meeting will be held to discuss teacher contracts and assignments.

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