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Collins School Chronological Biography

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November 26, 1980. The Colo girls, class 1A second ranked, opened their season with a 79-31 victory over Collins Clipperettes. Collins scoring: Kristi Richardson 17, Tammy Heidemann 11, Karen Partridge 3.

The Collins Clippers opened the basketball season with 62-42 victory over Colo at Colo. The Clippers' shooting was 49%. Free throw shooting 48%. Scoring: Bill Dunshee 23, Brad Oswalt 15, Mark Hudson 13, Steve Coughenour 7, Rick Salyers 4.

November 26, 1980. Excerpts from Collins school board meeting:

The superintendent gave reports on the following -- The PTO had voted to go on inactive status until April 1, 1981. The old piano has been sold for $200. Discuss progress on the formation of the multi-cultural, non sexist advisory committee. Parent-teacher conferences attendance was 78% for secondary students and nearly 100% for elementary students. The Mid-Iowa Conference at the Last Meeting. Reemphasized the earlier motion to close all gyms and schools to all activities from Christmas Day through New Year Day. The Board made a motion to go along with the conference action.

Approved the Summer Baseball-Softball schedule that will have east-west division.

Possible Booster Club projects.

Proposed Pep Bus to away varsity games.

A letter was read from the Department of Public Instruction commending Collins School for its Title 1 reading program.

Collins received a good report on the recent fire Marshall's inspection. The only other comment was to keep some doors closed. A fire blanket was purchased for the shop.

Approved the third and final reading of the new Gift Law Board policy.

Approved the first reading of the changes in the Graduation Board policy. Item 6 was changed to make two units of science mandatory for graduation.

The 1981-82 school year calendar was adopted.

The board discussed the possibility of joining the Iowa Association of School Boards Legal Service Fund.

The board discussed negotiation strategy.

December 8-12, 1980, Lunch Menu. Mon. Cooks choice. Tues. Fluffy rice, meat sauce and cheese, mixed vegetables, cornbread, Jell-O, cookie, milk. Wed. Tacos, buttered peas, fruit, cookie, milk. Thurs. Vegetable beef stew, biscuits, cottage cheese and peach, lime fluff, milk. Fri. Fishwich or plain fish, French fries, relishes, sugarplum cake, milk.

December 8, 1980. Collins Supt. Randall M. Betz announced that the Collins Education Association and the Collins Board of Education have reached a tentative agreement on the 1981-82 Master Contract. The Collins Education Association will meet on Dec. 8 to approve or reject this agreement. Then the Collins Board of Education will meet on Dec. 15 to approve or reject this agreement.

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