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Collins School Chronological Biography

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July 18, 1980. The Collins Board of Education will meet on August 18. The Board will discuss:

Summer work and maintenance, Thank you from the family of Lloyd Holland, School Board Election September 9, Phyllis Nelson's report on Music Department needs, Bus leasing contract for 80-81, Hazel Kelderhouose's custodial salary, Special Education Board Policy - first reading, Multi-Cultural Non-Sexist standards, Negotiation procedures this fall.



Collins Community School

Colors: Maroon And White Flower: Girls: Long Stem Red Rose. Boys: White Carnation

Class Motto: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Administration and Faculty

Superintendent Mr. Randall M. Betz, Secretary Bea Ogburn , Mr. Miller, Mrs. Holtgrewe, Mr. Ryon, Miss Dvorak, Mr. Boylan, Mrs. Lindaman, Mr. Brooks, Mrs. Caven, Miss Nelson, Mrs. Beavers, Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. Dorr, Mrs. Wesenaur, Mrs. Lengeling, Miss Decker.

School Personnel

Cooks Mrs. Katie Krausman, Mrs. Ruth Huntrods. Bus Drivers Mrs. Crystal Osburn & Mr. Doug Klemme. Custodians Mr. Everett Kelderhouse and Mr. Noah Flett

Ads and Boosters

Ads Boosters Total

Collins and Nearby Communities 33 42 75

1980 Graduates

Jeanine Brafford, Barry Dodd, Alice Coughenour, Troy Thornton, Karen Barrett, Dale Klema, Randy Oglesby, Tracy Hofer, John Fish, Karla Hampton, Mark Huntrods, Jean Huntrods, Rhonda Smith, Mark Harris.

Juniors: David Ball, Kirk Cheville, Bill Dunshee, Diane Graham, Ed Grimm, Mark Hudson, Jim Huggins, Julie Milligan, Shari Moll, Brad Oswalt, Karen Partridge, Keith Partridge, Sheila Raines, Diana Richard, Debbie Richard, Kim Romp, Karen Stratton.

Sophomores: John Armentrout, Janice Brafford, Joe Brafford, DeAnn Carlson, Todd Carlson, Steve Coughenour, Joel Huggins, John Lengeling, Debbie Marrs, Brenda Morrison, Dana Reitan, Kristi Richardson, Ric Salyers, Jeff Sesker, Karen Smith, Roy Smith.

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