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Collins School Chronological Biography

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May 16, 1980. Fourteen seniors will receive their diplomas in Graduation Exercises to be held in the Collins gym on Tuesday, May 29, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. These include Karen Barret, Jeanine Brafford, Alice Coughenour, Barry Dodd, John Fish, Karla Hampton, Tracy Hofer, Jean Huntrods, Mark Huntrods, Dale Klema, Mark Marrs, Randy Oglesby, Rhonda Smith, Troy Thornton.

The commencement speaker will be Jim LeClair, middle linebacker of the Cincinnati Bengals Football team. Mr. LeClair graduated from South St. Paul, Minnesota high school and North Dakota University. He was drafted by the Bengals and played with them eight years. In 1977 he was chosen as all-pro middle linebacker to play with the A. F. C. in the All-Pro Football game.

Diplomas will be presented by Mike Mullihan, School Board President. Randall Betz, Superintendent, will present the Honor Students and award the scholarships. Linda Holtgrewe will sing the class song. Chris Huntrods will play the Processional and Recessional. Reverend Gaylon Decious will give the Invocation and Reverend William Stewart will give the Benediction.

May 20, 1980. Collins athletic awards given. Darwin Luing and the Booster Club honored the athletes and their parents to a potluck supper Friday. Bill Brooks presented the Senior boys, Randy Oglesby, John Fish, Barry Dodd, and Mark Hudson.

BASKETBALL: All conference awards in Basketball: Honorable Mention - Barry Dodd: Second Team - Mark Hudson: First Team - Bill Dunshee and Mark Huntrods: Most Improved - Mark Hudson: Most Dedicated - Mark Huntrods: Most Enthusiastic - John Fish.

BASEBALL: Seniors - Barry Dodd, John Fish, Mark Huntrods, Randy Oglesby, Troy Thornton. All Conference Honorable Mention - John Fish, Troy Thornton. Second Team - Jim Huggins: First Team - Charles Fish, Mark Huntrods, Barry Dodd: Bill Dunshee was mentioned, but a motor cycle accident put him out of playing.

BOYS BASKETBALL: Participation - Mark Hudson, Ric Salyers: Lettermen - 10th: Steve Coughenour, Joel Huggins, Jeff Sesker: 11th - Kirk Cheville, Bill Dunshee, Jim Huggins, Brad Oswalt.

BAND: Ken Clark, Alice Coughenour, Barry Dodd, Jean Flett, Diane Graham, Ed Grimm, Tracy Hofer, Jean Huntrods, Mark Hudson, John Lengeling, Julie Milligan, Brenda Morrison, Brad Oswalt, Deb Roberts, Kim Romp, Les Spring, Karen Stratton, Troy Thornton, Tracy Waterhouse.

CHORUS: Ken Clark Alice Coughenour, Joann Flett, Deb Marrs, Julie Milligan, Brenda Morrison, Sheila Raines, Deb Richard, Diane Richard, Deb Roberts, Karen Smith, Les Spring, Karen Stratton, Tracy Waterhouse, Karen Partridge, Joe Hudson.

Special Awards: Ed Grimm, Tracy Hofer, Brenda Morrison, Brad Oswalt, Kim Romp, Les Spring, Troy Thornton, and Shari Moll.

Math Awards: Troy Thornton, Mark Huntrods, Shari Moll.

Bronze Math Medal: For 31st annual high school mathematics examination to Troy Thornton.

American Bar Association Citizenship Award: Mark Huntrods.

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