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Extracurricular Activities
(From the Annual 1979)

Student Council: (Left to right) First Row: D. Roberts, P. Romp, T. Hofer, S. Howell. Second Row: K. Richardson, K. Romp, R. Oglesby, J. Huggins, T. Waterhouse. Third Row: B. Oswalt, S. Heidemann, C. Fish, W. Stratton.

Honor Society: (Left to right) Mark Huntrods, Tracy Armentrout, Wayne Stratton, Jean Huntrods (absent).

E-Club: (Left to right) First Row: Tracy Hofer, Diane Graham, Sheila Raines, Karen Partridge, Diana Richard. Second Row: Karen Stratton, Jim Huggins, Rhonda Smith, Barry Dodd, Wayne Stratton, Alice Coughenour, Tracy Armentrout, Karla Hampton. Third Row: Keith Partridge, Sheila Heidemann, Mark Huntrods, Bill Dunshee, Brad Oswalt, Mark Marrs, Randy Oglesby, Karen Barrett, Jeannine Brafford.

Annual Staff: (Left to right) Judi Huggins, Tracy Armentrout, Jody Anderson.

Senior Band: (Left to right) Front Row: J. Fish, J. Milligan, D. Graham, A. Coughenour, T. Hofer, K. Romp, B. Morrison. Second Row: M. Huntrods, C. Fish, R. Smith, T. Thornton, B. Oswalt, E. Grimm, B. Dodd, W. Stratton. Back Row: T. Armentrout, K. Partridge, K. Stratton, Miss Nelson.

Pep Band: (Left to right) Front Row: B. Dodd, M. Huntrods, M. Lovig, K. Romp, B. Ball, P. Romp, D. Roberts. Second Row: E. Grimm, C. Fish, D. Klemme, K. Clark, S. Howell, J. Milligan, J. Fish, J. Flett, T. Waterhouse, D. Graham. Back Row: B. Oswalt, T. Thornton, J. Lengeling, T. Armentrout, Miss Nelson, K. Partridge, K. Stratton.

Junior High Band: (Left to right) First Row: S. Walton, P. Romp, J. Flett, T. Waterhouse, D. Roberts, R. Earles, T. Hickle. Second Row: M. Lovig, D. Klemme, M. Hofer, K. Clark, S. Howell, B. Ball, L. Spring, Miss Nelson.

Elementary Band: (From left to right) First Row: K. Howell, T. Waterhouse, K. Krausman, K. Thomas, K. Luing, D. McDermott, C. Lovig, R. McNeil. Second Row: T. Thornton, E. Maxwell, K. Howell, K. Stratton, T. Mullihan, M. Peterson, K. Baldwin, Miss Nelson.

Chorus: (Left to right) First Row: Diane Graham, Sheila Raines, Alice Coughenour, Karen Barrett, Sheri Moll, Karen Stratton, Julie Milligan, Kim Romp. Second Row: Karen Smith, Diana Richard, Debbie Richard, Dana Reitan, Debbie Marrs, Karen Partridge, Brenda Morrison, Miss Nelson.

Athletic Teams 1978-79

Girls Varsity Basketball: (Left to Right) Front Row: Manager Julie Milligan, Tracy Hofer, Karen Barrett, Sheila Heidemann, Lorna Wheeler, Alice Coughenour, Rhonda Smith, Manager Karen Stratton. Back Row: Coach Terri Lindaman, Karen Partridge, Karen Smith, Debbie Marrs, Janice Brafford, Kristi Richardson, Dana Reitan, Brenda Morrison, Mrs. Susan Murphy.

Girls Junior Varsity Basketball: (Left to Right) First Row: D. Marrs, B. Morrison, K. Partridge. Second Row: K. Smith, J. Brafford, K. Richardson, D. Reitan, L. Wheeler, Coach T. Lindaman.

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