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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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April 22, 1926 The high school ball team won two victories last week, the first one when they defeated Colo here last Thursday afternoon after school to the tune of 5 to 0, and on Friday afternoon at Melbourne when they defeated the Melbourne boys to the tune of 6 to 4. The boys are starting off strong and it is hoped they will keep the good work going. (No box scores found)

April 29, 1926 Children’s Operetta, Collins High School, Friday, April 30, 1926.
Second Grade Children - “A Box of Japanese Dolls. ” The cast of Characters is: Coleen Carver, Dale Jay, Oscar Serbein, Illa Patterson, George Sokol, June Crabb, Laurence Vasey, John Patton, Elbert Bonawitz, Aileen Crosby, Alta Vasey, Darlene Dodd.
Fifth and Sixth Grade Children – “What’s the Matter with Sally.” A very rich and “spoiled ” little girl, Sally Donnelly, has, due to her environment, become sulky and discontented. Hoping to discourage these traits, Sally’s mother plans with an old friend and school mate, Miss Jefferies, who teaches at St. Thomas’ Orphanage, to leave her there as “an orphan ” for a few weeks. Under the influence of the new surroundings of those less fortunate than herself, Sally soon realizes that her place of superiority is the natural development of selfishness. The plot is full of interesting situations, finally developing into a characterization of friendship, love and loyalty. SCENE – both acts in the school room of St. Thomas’ Orphanage. ACT I – End of afternoon session. ACT II – After school hours – 2 weeks later.

Cast of Characters as they appear in “What’s the Matter with Sally: ”

ORPHANS: Mary Eubank, Lester Pointer, Robert Sokol, Hazel Atkinson, Forrest Denniston – Prudence, Harold McCord – Peter, Vesta Myers – Betsy, Erma Brouhard – Agnes, Magaret Rouch, John Crabb, Wm. Vasey, Forrest Lafferty.

Miss Jefferies – Helen Stevens; Mrs. Blount – Gladys Hennick; Mrs. Donnelly – Iva Dodd; Sally – Ruth Mills.

MOP GIRLS AND PAPER DOLLS: Alice Hass, Opal Vasey, Lenore Randall, Maxine Hand, Gladoline Shickell, Frances Kimberley, Geraldine Crosby, Donna Huntrod, Thelma Evans, Leila Stratton.

BASEBALL BOYS: Everett McCord, Orville Smith, Floyd Kelderhouse, Forrest Brown, Dwight Luing, Otis Granger, George Lingenfelter, Amie Hanson, Faye Brown.

Prudence – Forest Denniston; Betsy – Vesta Myers; Agnes – Erma Brouhard

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