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Collins School Chronological Biography

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Next I see Chris Dunshee. As everyone expected, she married her high school sweetheart, Rich Maxwell. They have been married for 24 years, and reside on a farm outside of Maxwell.

As they went inside, I see a Datsun 280Z drive up. Inside are none other than Mike McDermott, president of Derm's Electronics, and his one and only sweety, Barb. He said they had been married and his neck had cleared up.

Back inside, the entertainment part of the banquet is starting. It is supposed to star two classmates of mine, Donny Snyder and Sandy Dodd. They are still bumming around together. They are now staring as Mutt and Jeff on a Saturday cartoon show with Terry Hugen, the new Bugs Bunny. Terry is using the money to put herself through nursing school.

As the entertainment part of the banquet concludes, the band is ready to set up for the dance. I see the lead singer is my old classmate, Cammy Fillenwarth.

As the dance begins, through the door walks Christy Hudson, now a nurse at the Marshalltown Hospital.

As I am sitting down at an empty table, I see Kelly Milligan. He is one of the big hog farmers, he says, "pork producers" in Iowa.

The dance is in full swing and its time to start having fun as in the "old days." All of the class of "77" is present and we can recall many old memories. The class of 1977 is doing quite well, but of course, we always knew we would ! ! !

Juniors - Class of 1978 Larry Adams, Karen Ball, Jolene Brafford, Audrey Cheville, Ed Hamilton, Marvin Hampton, Jody Heidemann, Jon Huggins, Doug Klemme, Tammy Kingman, Doreen Krausman, Sue Long, Sue Oglesby, Coleen Partridge, Kirk Patterson, Karen Reitan, Beth Sager, Jodee Thomas, Tracy Thornton, Dean Williams, Lori Wilson.

Sophomores - Class of 1979 Jody Anderson, Tracy Armentrout, Anna Baker, Lynn Findlay, Charles Fish, Sheila Heidemann, Reda Holsinger, Judy Huggins, Joe Kimberley, Penny Marrs, Allyn Roberts, Mike Richardson, Cindy Sexton, Wayne Stratton, Lorna Wheeler.

Freshmen - Class of 1980 Karen Barrett, Jeanine Brafford, Alice Coughenour, Barry Dodd, John Fish, Karla Hampton, Tracy Hofer, Brian Hugen, Jean Huntrods, Mark Huntrods, Mark Marrs, Randy Oglesby, Rhonda Smith, Troy Thornton.

8th Grade, Class of 1981 David Ball, Kirk Cheville, Bill Dunshee, Mark Hudson, Jim Huggins, Julie Milligan, Sheri Moll, Brad Oswalt, Karen Partridge, Keith Partridge, Sheila Raines, Debra Richard, Diana Richard, Kim Romp, Karen Stratton, Mike Sexton.

7th Grade, Class of 1982 Jon Armentrout, Janice Brafford, Joe Brafford, Steve Coughenour, Steve Halter, Joe Huggens, John Lengeling, Debbie Marrs, Brenda Morrison, Dana Reitan, Kristy Richardson, Karen Smith, Kim Smith, Roy Smith, Jeff Sesker.

6th Grade, Class of 1983 Ken Clark, Jo Ann Flett, Joanie Hampton, Joe Hudson, Deb Roberts, Tina Schreyer, Les Spring, Pat Richardson, Tracy Waterhouse, Teacher Miss Rickert.

5th Grade, Class of 1984 Brian Ball, Robin Earles, Sonya Walton, Jon Farrell, Richard (Hap) Fertig, Tammy Heidemann, Tracy Hickle, Mike Hofer, Shawn Howell, David Klemme, Denny Lillard, Mike Lovig, Jim Mealey, Brad Morrison, Jeff Robinett, Phyllis Romp, Evan Schreyer, Amy Wheeler, Teacher Mrs. Cooper.

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