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Dedication We, the Class of 1977, would like to dedicate this annual to Ivan Ronald Walton, a former classmate and friend. We had great respect for him, and he will always be remembered by each and every one of us. Today and always Ivan will be on our minds and remain in our hearts. Thanks, Ivan, for all the memories you've given us. To Ivan Walton, we dedicate this annual.

Faculty Mr. Rampulla, Supt. Mr. McNeill, Mrs. Thorson, Mr. Miller, Mrs. Holtgrewe, Mr. Brooks, Mrs. Gale, Mrs. Sievert, Mrs. Shroeder, Mrs. Schriber, Mr. Fedler, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Farrell, Mr. Heil.

Personnel -- Secretary Bea Ogburn Custodians: Gilbert Tankersley and Everett Kelderhouse

Cooks Ruth Huntrods and Katie Krausman Bus Drivers Charles Fish, Gilbert Tankersley, Reid Beavers

Ads and Boosters

Ads Boosters Total

Collins and Nearby Communities 78 49 127

1977 Graduates: James Atwood, Danny Breer, Sandy Dodd, Chris Dunshee, John Findlay, Cammy Fillenwarth, Ronald Holsinger, Christy Hudson, Terry Hugen, Kreg Longnecker, Mike McDermott, Kelly Milligan, Scott Richardson, Donny Snyder, Jeff Titus, Darcy Tjelmeland, Jim Wright.

Class Prophesy

The year is 2002. It has been 25 years since the class of 1977 graduated. It is May 20 and another Alumni Banquet has come around.

As I walk in the door, I see an army officer decked out uniform. Its Scott Richardson. He is making the army his career. As I move through the crowded high school gym, I notice Jim Atwood talking to Ron Holsinger. They are talking about their main interest "cars." Jim is the owner of Atwood's Wheel and Tire Supply. Ron is the president of Ford Motor Company. Rumor has it, "Hole has a better idea."

Across the room I see the most fashionable girl in high school, Darcy Tjelmeland, in the highest fashion. She is the manager of a wide chain of clothing stores. Her date for the night is her high school sweetheart, Kreg Longnecker. Kreg is now a big rancher in the state of Colorado.

Moving on, I see a table full of plants. I don't see anyone, but I hear a voice and then a very familiar face. It belongs to John Findlay. John was never married. He lives in a huge house north of Collins. The house is filled with all of John's favorite plants.

Suddenly I hear a loud voice coming from the door of the gym. I look quickly and there in the doorway stands the class nut, Jim Wright. He just had to let everyone know he was here. Jim has taken over his father's farm in Collins and settled down with a wife and family.

All became quiet in the gym. Outside we could hear the sound of racing engines. I went out to see what was going on. Who else was pulling up to the door in their high-powered automobiles but Jeff Titus and Dan Breer. Beside Jeff in his hopped up Mustang II is his high school lover Tracy Thornton. I see Danny Breer finally fixed up that old van he had in high school. Danny does this for a living now. Jeff is a farmer and like the rest of his family, owns shares in Titus Farms, Inc.

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