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Collins School Chronological Biography

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August 21, 1976. School days at Collins begins August 30 with teacher workshops being held August 26 and 27. Preregistration was held August 19 and 20. Kindergarten classes will be half-day from 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

August 23, 1976. School lunch criteria clarified by USDA Through their financial management systems states will periodically review the operating balance of each school lunch program. If the balance should climb to more than three months operating expenses, the state and school -- working cooperatively -- will either improve the food service or they will adjust the rates of reimbursement.

States must monitor the rates of reimbursement assigned top each school to assure that the total of federal assistance plus state assistance exclusively reserved for free and reduced price lunches, does not exceed the cost of producing the lunch.

September 4, 1976. Honor Roll for second semester 1975-76 school year announced. 12th Robert Huntrods, Dolores Klemme, Steve Lillard. 11th James Atwood, Sandy Dodd, John Findlay, Ron Holsinger, Teresa Hugen, David McDermott, Don Snyder, Darcy Tjelmeland. 10th Karen Ball, Jolene Brafford, Ed Hamilton, Chris Hudson, Jon Higgins, Doreen Krausman, Coleen Partridge, Jodee Thomas, Tracy Thornton, Dean Williams, Lori Wilson. 9th Tracy Armentrout, Charles Fish, Joe Kimberley, Penny Marrs, Cindy Sexton, Ron Stratton. 8th Barry Dodd, John Fish, Tracy Hofer, Jean Huntrods, Mark Huntrods, Troy Thornton. 7th David Ball, Billy Dunshee, Julie Milligan, Karen Partridge, Keith Partridge, Kim Romp, Karen Stratton.

September 4, 1976. Class officers Elected at Collins. Seniors President Kreg Longnecker, Vice President Sandy Dodd, Sec-Treas. Chris Dunshee, Student Council John Findlay and Darcy Tjelmeland. Juniors President Doreen Krausman, Vice President Ed Hamilton, Secretary Karen Ball, Treasurer Sue Long, Student Council Susie Oglesby and Doug Klemme. Sophomores President Reda Holsinger, Vice President Wayne Stratton, Secretary-Treasurer Penny Marrs, Student Council Lynn Findlay and Charles Fish. Freshmen President Barry Dodd, Vice President Gene Huntrods, Secretary Randy Oglesby, Treasurer Tracy Hofer, Student Council John Fish and Jean Huntrods.

September 23, 1976. Girls sectional softball tournaments will get underway around the journal area on Saturday night with action at four area sites. State Center sectional Saturday 6:30 p.m. Collins vs Green Mountain. Monday 6:30 Collins - G. M. winner vs Colo.

September 27-Oct. 1, 1976. Hot Lunch Menu Mon. Macaroni salad, minced ham sandwich, upside down cake, milk. Tues. Dried beef gravy, biscuits, vegetable salad, fruit, milk. Wed. Spoonburgers, buttered corn, fruit, cookie, milk. Thurs. Chili soup, celery sticks, apple crisp, milk. Fri. Tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwich, fruit, milk.

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