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Collins School Chronological Biography

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Girls Junior Varsity Basketball: (Left to Right) Row 1: T. Hugen, K. Reitan, L. Wheeler, S. Heidemann, J. Brafford. Row 2. J. Anderson, J. Huggins, D. Krausman, S. Oglesby, S. Dodd, Mr. Brooks.

Boys Varsity Basketball: (Left to Right) Row 1: Mike McDermott, Kirk Patterson, Steve Lillard, Bob Huntrods, Steve Oglesby, Jim Anderson. Row 2: Coach McNeil, John Huggins, Doug Klemme, Matt Carver, Ed Hamilton, Jim Wright, Jeff Titus. Row 3: Managers John Fish, Randy Oglesby, Barry Dodd.

Boys Junior Varsity Basketball: (Left to Right)Charles Fish, Kelly Mulligan, Marvin Hampton, Coach McNeil, Jim Atwood, Ron Holsinger, Tracy Armentrout.

Cheerleaders: Sandy Fish, Darcy Tjelmeland, Pat Reitan, Phyllis McQuiston, Cindy Sexton.

Girls Track: (Left to right) Row 1: Cindy Sexton, Jolene Brafford, Sue Long, Sandy Dodd. Row 2: Coach Brooks, Anna Baker, Doreen Krausman, Karen Ball, Tracy Thornton, Sheila Heidemann.

Boys Track: (Left to right) Row 1: Wayne Stratton, Kelly Mulligan, Jim Atwood, Ron Holsinger. Row 2: Coach McNeil, Steve Lillard, Scott Richardson, Bob Huntrods, John Huggins.

Girls Softball: (Left to right) Row 1: S. Long, T. Thornton, K. Ball Row 2: J. Anderson, J. Brafford. Row 3: C. Sexton, J. Lehman, C. Dunshee. Row 4: D. Krausman, S. Oglesby, D. Tjelmeland, T. Kingman. Row 5: S. Heidemann, Mr. McNeil, C. Partridge, Mr. Brooks, T. Hugen.

Boys Baseball: (Left to right) Row 1: S. Lillard, J. Wright, C. Fish, R. Holsinger, J. Anderson. Row 2: J. Patterson, E. Hamilton, S. Oglesby, D. Klemme, M. Hampton, M. McDermott. Row 3: Coach Brooks.

Junior High Boys Basketball: (Left to right) Row 1: S. James, B. Dunshee, M. Huntrods, R. Oglesby, M. Hudson, M. Sexton, B. Hugen, K. Cheville. Row 2: Mr. Brooks, J. Fish, B. Dodd, B. Oswalt, T. Thornton, J. Huggins, M. Marrs, D. Ball, K. Partridge.

Junior High Girls Basketball: (Left to right) Row 1: J. Brafford, T. Hofer, J. Huntrods, K. Barrett, A. Coughenour, K. Stratton. Row 2: K. Romp, J. Milligan, K. Partridge, Miss Rickert, R. Smith, S. Raines.

Junior High Boys Track: (Left to right) Row 1: Jim Huggins, Mark Marrs, John Fish. Row 2: Coach McNeil, Brad Oswalt, Mark Huntrods, Barry Dodd.

Junior High Girls Track: (Left to right) Row 1: Karen Barrett, Julie Milligan, Jeanine Brafford, Karla Hampton. Row 2: Coach Brooks, Tracy Hofer, Rhonda Smith, Alice Coughenour, Jean Huntrods.

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