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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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February 18, 1926 Collins Wins Story County Declamatory Contest Last Wednesday evening, February tenth, held at Shipley. The participating schools were: Zearing, Shipley, McCallsburg, Slater, Roland, Cambridge, Fernald, Kelley, Collins and Gilbert.

Mary McWherter, who read “The Movie Fan,” won first place in the Humorous division. This victory adds another silver loving cup to the school collection, besides winning a beautiful sterling silver medal for Mary herself. The cup belongs to Collins for the year. The school winning the cup for three successive years may retain it. The contest placings were as follows: Oratorical, Sylvia Rood, Slater, first; Dramatic, Mildred Burhead, Zearing, first; Humorous, Mary McWerter, Collins, first.

On Friday, February twenty-sixth, Miss Shomler will take three contestants, Alice Heintz, Anna Marsh and Gladys Dulaney, to Rhodes to the Preliminary District Contest. This contest is the first of a series of five contests.

February 18, 1926 Notice of Annual Meeting Consolidated School District. Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Independent School District of Collins Township, in the county of Story, State of Iowa, that the annual meeting of said Consolidated School District will be held at the Town Hall on the second Monday in March, 1926, at 12 o’clock P.M. and closing at 7 o’clock P.M. A director will be named for a term of 2 years to succeed M. H. Biddick, one for 2 years to succeed W. A. Ozmun, and one for 1 year to succeed J. C. McCord.

February 18, 1926 Iowa Tests on English Essentials The Iowa Association of Teachers of English has awakened to the fact that the present day High School pupil does not fully understand the minimum essentials of English. To meet this need, the Association has prepared two tests, one of which has just been given. The other will be given in April. The tests deal with spelling, punctuation and capitalization, miscellaneous grammar, sentence structure, and parts of speech. They are fair and comprehensive. On Friday, February 12th, the pupils of Collins High School were given Test 1. Following are the class averages: Freshmen – 79.16%; Sophomores – 83.86%; Juniors – 81.90%; Seniors – 82.01.

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