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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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September 19, 1905 Collins Clipper and Collins Liberator consolidated and named Gazette with Wm. Burney, editor. The ill-health of Mr. Secored was the cause.

October 10, 1905 The school forced to close for two weeks because of diphtheria.

December 27, 1907 Basketball games between Colo and State Center. (Insert 2003: These are the first notes we have noticed on adjoining towns playing basketball.)

December 30, 1907 Collins. The scholars have resumed their duties at school after a week’s vacation.

January 15, 1908 High School Will Debate. A program will be given by the Collins High School pupils next Friday in which the question, “Resolved, that the man is more capable of carrying the purse than the woman ” will be debated. Those on the affirmative are Clarence Fish, Leon Cooper, Charles Mead, and on the negative, Jessie Secord, Mattie Hattery and Ica Downing. Everybody is cordially invited to attend.

May 4, 1908 Collins high school at Colo baseball game coming Friday afternoon. (Insert: 2003 – this is the first mention of Collins high school baseball. No outcome of game found.)

May 30, 1908 Decoration Day program includes girls’ glee club – 3 songs and one song by the boys’ quartette.

July 30, 1908 A petition is being circulated and freely signed today asking the board of directors of Collins Independent School District to call a special election for the purpose of voting a tax to build a new school building and for a site for the same.

August 6, 1908 Petition for new school building signed by a majority of voters for construction of school building. Principal Ballard informs us that the Collins Public Schools have a new record book which will show the standings of any pupil who enters our schools and attends at least six weeks. We never had a permanent record before and the new record book will be of value.

August 20, 1908 The petition for a new school building showed over 2/3 of the electors had signed it.

August 20, 1908 The school board met Monday and Wednesday evenings. The idea of using a room or building other than the schoolhouse was abandoned. A partition will be put in the high school room dividing it in two, which will give accommodation in the meantime, in the emergency, although crowding somewhat. New seats are ordered with the calculation they could be used in the new building when erected.

September 10, 1908 School board meeting. Petition calling for election signed by 112 eligible signers – about 75%. The scheduled school election for October 12, 1908 to issue $14,000 bonds. Polls open 1:00 P. M. to 6:00 P.M. J. F. Lingenfelter, president of the school board. J. S. Felshaw, secretary.

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