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Collins School Chronological Biography

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1976 Graduates: James William Anderson, James Francis Backoff, Virginia Ruth Baker, Matthew Leroy Carver, Debora Lynn Cheville, Sandra Marie Fish, Robert Craig Huntrods, Graciela Del Carmen Hernandez, Charles Wyatt Kimberley, Dolores Ann Klemme, Julie Kay Lehman, Steven Vern Lillard, Steven Ross Oglesby, Patricia Louise Reitan, Lisa Jo Wheeler, Mylinda Dawn Clark, Phyllis Jean Smith.

Graduation May 21, 1976 Graduation was a hi-lite of the year to the graduates of Collins High.

Penny Marrs played the processional while the seniors were marching in. The juniors honored with the escorting of the seniors were Terry Hugen and Kelly Milligan. The invocation was delivered by Rev. Gaylon Decious. The girls sextet sang "Graduation Day." Mr. Stephens presented a short speech before introducing the speaker, Mr. Dennis Miller. Mr. Miller gave his speech on "What's Your Twenty," which was considered a success by most of the people who were there. Before Mr. Rampulla presented the class of `76, he presented the following honor students--Dolores Klemme, Sandra Fish, and Julie Lehman. Cyril Lengeling, the school board president, had the honor of presenting the seniors with their diplomas before Rev. William Steward closed the ceremonies with a benediction. Afterwards the graduates held out their hands as the receiving line when through.

Class Prophesy

The year is 1986 and ten years later, the class of 1976 is returning to good `ol Collins High, now the location of the new Story County High School.

As I enter the banquet room of the school and see my old classmates I realize we must be one of the most successful classes ever graduated from CHS!

Jim Anderson owns the first national bus service that also has emergency medical care, called "Andy-Ways."

Jim Backoff is still running for the U. S. Senate and trying to pass his prostitute-taxation laws.

Ruth Baker owns and operates the largest library in the world, along with raising a family of smiling happy children!

Matt Carver is happily married (to "we know who") and bought out John Deere a few years back, renaming it "Matt Carver." (Nothing runs like a Carver?!)

Mylinda Clark is one of few women who has risen to such a high rank in the army in so little time. She is also married and has seven kids.

Sandy Fish is currently head of the space program and is soon to make the first trip to the moon without a rocket.

Graciella Hernandez has long since returned to Mexico and is a world famous interior designer.

Bob Huntrods, so quiet all through school, has taken Johnny Carson's place as host of the most popular talk show on television today.

Charles Kimberley owns most of the farm land around Collins and has at last found the perfect girl to keep house for him.

Dolores Klemme is head of a new experimental school for the arts in Europe. She is also married with several children.

Julie Lehman married her high school sweetheart and is a legal assistant to F. Lee Bailey, who is still working on the Patricia Hearst case.

Although Steve Lillard is a secret service agent and Steve Oglesby in the off-season of professional baseball with the A's, is head of the Department of Transportation, they still find time to run the largest supermarket chain in the nation, "Buc & Og's."

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