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January 22, 1975. A full week of Homecoming Activities has been going on in Collins this week as the high celebrates the occasion during the basketball season. Monday was called "Goofy Hat and Sock Day"; Tuesday was on behalf of School Colors -- Blue and White Day. Wednesday was just plain goofy day with a slave auction with the girls and boys basketball teams being held. Thursday was jersey day and the slaves were put to work. This evening at 6:30 a bonfire is scheduled and posters will be made on Friday. Friday is being called "Fifties Day" with the following activities planned: At 1:30 p.m. films will be presented by the Student Counsel, at 2:45 a pep assembly, at 7:00 p.m. the Homecoming game against Maxwell and 10:00 p.m. to midnight a dance is scheduled. Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned at the basketball game Friday evening. The candidates are: Mike Ball, Becky Oswalt, Denny Long, Cindy Tiffany, Bill Partridge, Cindy Dunshee, Rod Armentrout, Mary Beth Kingman.

January 25, 1975. Maxwell girls helped spoil the Clipperette Homecoming celebration with 91-44 score over Collins. Maxwell season record is 13-1. Scoring: Cindy Dunshee 26, Tracy Thornton 7, Julie Lehman 5, Chris Dunshee 2, Mary Beth Kingman 2, Terry Hugen 2. Cathy Schmitt, Mary Beth Kingman and Homecoming Queen Cindy Tiffany paced the Clipperettes' back court.

Maxwell went to its strong inside game and controlled the tempo of the second half to defeat the Clippers 70-37. Collins trailed by only 27-21 at halftime. Third quarter score -- 41-31. Scoring: Denny Long 16, Matt Carver 9, Steve Oglesby 6, Steve Lillard 2, Bob Huntrods 2, Ed Hamilton 1, Doug Klemme 1. Shooting was 28%. Carver was lead rebounder with 12.

January 30, 1975. The Collins boys won their first game of the season Tuesday night with a come-from-behind effort 52-47 win over SEMCO in Ta-Ma-Ja Conference. At halftime Rod Johnson of SEMCO had 25 of his team's 29 points, but excellent defense by Matt Carver in the 2nd half led to an 18 point 2nd half by the Cougars and Collins had enough time to take the win. Collins scored the first 6 points of the second half and took the lead for good at 32-31. Scoring: Matt Carver 13, Denny Long 12, Bob Huntrods 10, Jim Wright 8, Steve Lillard 7. Collins field goal shooting was 20 of 47. The Clippers also out rebounded their opposition 42-10: Carver 14, Ball 8, Huntrods 6, Lillard 5, Long 4. "We had real fine team defense in the second half" praised Coach Ron McNeill.

SEMCO came from behind in the final quarter to top the Clipperettes 42-40. Collins had a 28-23 margin going into the final 8 minutes. Scoring: Cindy Dunshee 20, Chris Dunshee 14, Julie Lehman 6. Shooting -- 35%. Guard Rebounding: Mary Beth Kingman 14, Cathy Schmitt 7, Cindy Tiffany 3. "The guards play well. Turnovers in the last few seconds hurt," commented Coach Bill Brooks.

January 31, 1975. Second Quarter Honor Roll. For a student to be named, they must maintain a B average in their courses. 7th Barry Dodd, John Fish, Tracy Hofer, Gene Huntrods, Mark Huntrods, Troy Thornton. 8th Tracy Armentrout, Charles Fish, Joe Kimberley, Wayne Stratton. 9th Karen Ball, Ed Hamilton, Christy Hudson, Doreen Krausman, John Lint, Coleen Partridge, Jodee Thomas, Tracy Thornton, Dean Williams. 10th Kay Chittenden, Sandy Dodd, Christy Dunshee, Terry Hugen, Mike McDermott, Darcy Tjelmeland. 11th Steven Lillard, Jim Anderson, Sandy Fish, Bob Huntrods, Delores Klemme, Julie Lehman. 12th Rod Armentrout, Mike Ball, Kathy Hugen, Denny Long, Beth Milligan, Merridee Moses, Cindy Tiffany, Mark Wilson, Herb Atwood, Cindy Dunshee, Mary Beth Kingman, Becky Oswalt, Bill Partridge, Marie Peterson, Cathy Schmitt.

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