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Collins School Chronological Biography

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C-Club: Row (Left to right) Row 1: K. Hugen, C. Dunshee, K. Caulkins, B. Oswalt, K. Patterson, T. Moses, D. Barrett, A. Evans. Row 2: B. Huntrods, M. Peterson, J. Whitaker, K. Kimberley, C. Morrison, P. Fillenwarth, Mr. Weeks. Row 3: M. Kingman, F. Beavers, D. Smith, C. Tiffany, J. Fitzgerald, J. Lehman, A. Etnier, B. Milligan. Row 4: S. Lillard, M. Fertig, D. Long, M. Ball, S. Oglesby, J. Anderson, R. McQuiston.

Librarians: (Left to right) Delores Klemme, Christina Morrison, Ruth Baker, Deanne Partridge, Ken Parham, Verle Lint.

Literary Magazine Staff: (Left to right) Bill Partridge, Kay Chittenden, Donny Snyder, Christina Morrison, Ruth Baker, Cindy Smith, Cammy Fillenwarth.

Senior Class Play - "Bolts and Nuts": Seated: A. Evans - Benita Bolt, K. Kimberley - Rebecca Bolt, C. Morrison - Mrs. Glossip, D. Partridge - Martha Grubb, A. Etnier - Wilbur Glossip, D. Barrett - Miss Figg. Standing: J. Fitzgerald - Cadwalter Clippy, B. Oswalt - Dr. Joy, K. Caulkins - Mr. Blunkett, F. Beavers - Henry Goober, J. Whitaker - Lutie Spinks, T. Moses - Jack Gordon, K. Patterson - Twink Starr.

Homecoming 1974: Candidates: Keith Patterson, Ann Evans, Bill Oswalt, Jan Talburt, Ken Caulkins, Deb Carroll, Donna Barrett, Jerold Fitzgerald. King Ken, Queen Deb. The 1973 Queen Diana Atwood, and 1974 King Ken Caulkins, 1974 Queen Deb Carroll, 1973 King Bill Crabb.

The Class of "74" in Minneapolis: "And away we go." "All Aboard, Come on you guys . . . get in the bus," "Let's get going."

Athletic Teams

Cheerleaders: Upper Photo: Joyce, Kay, Kathy, Ann, Kerry. Lower Photo: Ann, Joyce, Kay, Kathy, Kerry.

Girls Varsity Basketball: (Right to left), Cindy Tiffany, Mary Beth Kingman, Donna Barrett, Deb Carroll, Cindy Dunshee, Jan Talburt, Sandy Dodd, Phyllis McQuiston, Meg Kimberley, Christina Morrison, Terry Hugen, Julie Lehman, Chris Dunshee, Cathy Schmitt, Becky Oswalt, Coach Mr. Brooks, Chaperone Mrs. Sievert, Managers Marie Peterson and Beth Milligan.

Boys Varsity Basketball: (Left to right) Row 1: Managers Kelly Milligan, Herb Atwood, Mike McDermott. Row 2: Jim Anderson, Matt Carver, Randy McQuiston, Bob Huntrods, Steve Lillard, Rod Armentrout. Standing: (Left to right) Jerold Fitzgerald, Tony Moses, Ken Caulkins, Bill Oswalt, Frank Beavers, Keith Patterson, Coach Richard Behrens.

Boys Junior Varsity Basketball: (Left to right) Row 1: Jeff Titus, Jim Atwood, Kelly Milligan, Mike McDermott, Rod Armentrout, Steve Oglesby, Jim Wright. Row 2: Manager Herb Atwood, Randy McQuiston, Mike Ball, Bob Huntrods, Mike Fertig, Denny Long, Steve Lillard, Jim Anderson, Coach Richard Behrens.

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