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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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Song “The Lilies Wake, ” Girls Glee Club.
Invocation, Rev. Ben Sinderson.
Music, “In Old Madrid ” Boys Quartet.
Address, “A Balanced Ration in Education ” by Edgar S. Kindley of Des Moines.
Presentation of the class, Supt. W. W. Hield.
Presentation of diplomas, Pres. M. H. Biddick. Congratulations.

May 14, 1925 Alumni Banquet – The Alumni Banquet will be held in the High School Gymnasium, after Commencement, Friday evening. John Hattery of the class of 1914 will act as toast master and the following program of toasts will be given:

Class Welcome, Mrs. Doris Holland, 1917.
Response, Curtis Marsh, 1925.
Footprints, C. G. Vasey, 1892.
Success, B. L. Mead, 1899.
Beckoning Lights, Miss Irma Anderson, 1908.
Overcoming the Jinx, Miss Ada Swallwell, 1914.
Smiling Through, Harold Carver, 1924.
Solo, A Perfect Day (No name given for solo.)

May 21, 1925 Baseball Tournament – The second annual Story County baseball tournament, held at Milford on May 8, was an easy walk-away for Maxwell. There were five high schools entered, namely, Collins, Huxley, Kelley, Maxwell and Milford. The drawing for pairings was made by the secretary of the county association and resulted in Milford drawing a bye, Kelley and Collins were paired and Maxwell and Huxley. The first game resulted in Collins making 7 runs to Kelley’s 2; the second game was very one-sided, Maxwell crossing the plate 21 times, while Huxley failed to reach home.

In the second round Milford scored one run against Collins’ 10. This threw the two old rivals, Collins and Maxwell into the finals. It was a closely fought game. But Maxwell finally came out with 9 scores to Collins’ 6. This gives Maxwell the county trophy cup for one year. Strong interest is already centered around the Maxwell team for 1926 as they will lose but one player through graduation. Collins will also have a fine team next year. (Insert: No box scores found)

May 1925, “Committee in Charge” selected State Tourney Baseball teams = 16
(No results found)

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