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Collins School Chronological Biography

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Girls Basketball: (Left to right) Front Row: Teresa Luing, Donna Barrett, Rebecca Newman, Nancy Mullihan, Janice Hunt, J.Talburt, Cathy Kingman, Diana Atwood, Joan Altes. Second Row: R.Holsinger, Nancy Long, Carol Halverson, E. Kimberley, Darla Stevens, Christina Morrison, Jodee Holland, M. Holland, Sandy Barrett, C. Schmitt, M. Shaw, J. Chittenden, Debbie Carroll,Mary Ann Peterson, Coach - Mr. Brooks. Third Row: Managers - M. Lengeling, Kay Kloppenborg, Chaperone - Mrs. Schroder, Manager - D. Dodd.

Boys Basketball: (Left to right) Front Row: Ronald Beavers, S. Carroll, Doug Atwood, S. Carroll, Ed Fitzgerald, Rick McQuiston, D. Stratton. Standing: Manager - Vaughn Noring; Guy Elliott, B. Crabb, M. Carver, B. Huntrods, Oswalt, D. Huntrods, Manager - Tom Wright, Coach - Mr. Larson.

Girls Track: (Left to right) Front Row: Jodee Holland, Diana Atwood, Nancy Long, Joan Altes, Debbie Carroll, Teresa Luing. Second Row: Manager - M. Zavala, Rebecca Newman, D. Dodd, Cathy Kingman, Donna Barrett, Darla Stevens, J. Findlay, Sandy Barrett, M. Shaw, Coach - Mr. Brooks, Manager - P. Harmon.

Boys Track: (Left to right) Front Row: C. Stratton, Brad Moses, D. Stratton, A. Etnier, S. Carroll, Tony Moses, Keith Patterson, R. Clark. Standing: B. Crabb, M. Carver, B. Huntrods, Guy Elliot, Doug Atwood, S. Carroll, Vaughn Noring, B. Oswalt, Coach - Mr. Larson.

Junior High Girls Basketball: (Left to right) First Row: M. Peterson, B. Oswalt, C. Tiffany, C. Dunshee, M. Kingman, C. Schmitt. Second Row: D. Barrett, D. Barrett, S. Lancaster, J. Lehman, J. Sager, D. Cheville. Third Row: M. Adams, P. Smith, B. Milligan, M. Moses, B. Boozell, S. Fish. Not pictured - Coach Bill Brooks.

Junior High Girls Track: (Left to right) Front Row: D. Klemme, D. Cheville, D. Luing, S. Fish, J. Lehman, S. Lancaster, D. Luing. Second Row: M. Peterson, C. Dunshee, C. Tiffany, B. Oswalt, C. Schmitt, M. Kingman, B. Milligan, B. Boozell, Coach Bill Brooks.

Junior High Boys Basketball: (Left to Right) Front Row: R. McQuiston, R. Huntrods, A. Smith, M. Wilson, M. Fertig, J. Lancaster, S. Lillard, D. Long, B. Partridege, R. Raines. Second Row: R. Armentrout, R. Bidelman, J. Anderson, M. Carver, S. Oglesby, M. Ball, R. Holsinger, C. Kimberley, H. Atwood, Coach - Mr. Larson.

Junior High Boys Track: (Left to Right) Front Row: M. Ball, J. Anderson, M. Carver, S. Oglesby, H. Atwood. Second Row: R. Holsinger, R. McQuiston, A. Smith, R. Meyerhoff, S. Lillard, Coach - Mr. Larson.

Junior Class Play "Magic Touch": (Left to Right) Front Row: Rita Caulkins, S. Fronsdahl, Sandy Walton, D. Stratton, Vaughn Noring. Second Row: B. Huntrods, M. Harrier, K. Stratton, S. Ogburn, Teresa Luing, J. Findlay. Third Row: S. Carroll, L. Mullihan, S. Landcaster, P. Graham.

Snowball: (Left to right) Freshman Candidates, Front: J.. Talburt, Rear: K. Patterson. Sophomore Candidates: Front: Darla Stevens, Rear: Guy Elliot. Junior Candidates: Front: K. Stratton, Rear: Steve Lancaster. Senior Candidates: Front: Mary Ann Peterson, Rear: Jim Novinger. "King Steve and Queen Darla."

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