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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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March 13, 1902 Sixty-six votes cast in school election Monday. Directors elected were C. L. Fish – 34, John Hattery – 25. Other returning board members are Henry Angelo, A. G. Armstrong, J. G. Gingles, secretary of the board. W. H. Thompson re-elected treasurer.

March 13, 1902 Alumni Association of the Collins High School was formed Friday evening. The following were the officers elected: President Charles Angelo, Vice President – Roy Cooper, Recording Secretary – Grace Hall, Corresponding Secretary – Alma Randall, Treasurer – Howard Niebel. A committee was appointed to arrange for a banquet to take place the next evening after graduation exercises.

June 5, 1902 The first banquet of the Collins High School Alumni Association was held Saturday evening in the opera hall. There were about 50 present. The table decorations were elegant. The supper was very choice, being purveyed by Mrs. Fish of the Collins restaurant. The junior students acted as waiters. The class of 1902 were the guests of honor of which were uniformly dressed in black silk. Principal Welty was toastmaster and responses were made by classes of 1892 through 1902. The musical selections included a song by the graduating class and selections by the select quartette, Misses Forrest Thompson, Daisy Ozmun, Fern Belt, and Myrna Fish. The election of officers for the ensuring year resulted as follows: President – Charles Hall, Vice President – Howard Niebel, Secretary – Myrtie Finnie, Treasurer – Roy Cooper.

September 2, 1902 School will open next Monday with the following teachers: D. G. Welty – Principal, Wm. Golly – Grammar room, Miss Eva Hattery – Intermediate, Miss Lois Felshaw – Primary.

September 18, 1902 The enrollment of the school is 133, divided among the different rooms as follows: Principal Welty’s room – 21, Mr. Golly’s room – 38, Miss Hattery’s room – 41 and Miss Felshaw’s room – 33.

October 2, 1902 J. C. Gingles, secretary of the board, completed the census of the independent district of Collins. The children of school age in the district number 163.

November 13, 1902 At a meeting of the school board, a two-weeks holiday vacation was agreed upon. Another grade was added, making 11.

December 11, 1902 On Monday last, after the old school house furnace refused to work for the 100th time, the school board decided to abandon it and do so, substituting stoves.

March 19, 1903 The school board has raised teachers’ wages from $38 to $40 for the winter term and from $30 to $32 for spring and fall terms.

March 21, 1903 The senior class play “Valley Farm, ” was presented Saturday evening at the opera house to a capacity house, many being unable to secure seats. The pupils did well and all seemed highly pleased. The proceeds amounted to about $75. At the school election Monday evening Dr. Robertson was named to succeed O. F. Henrich.

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