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Collins School Chronological Biography

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December 17, 1970. The Collins School Stage Band played for the Donnelley Corp. Christmas party on Sat. Dec. 12. They also presented an additional musical show: Solo by Carol Middleton; The "Silver Tone Trio" - Rita Caulkins, Carol Middleton, and Carol Halverson; Teresa Luing - saxophone solo; The "Honey Buns" performed their act.

December 19, 1970. Basketball Maxwell girls were paced by Patrice Owen, 6 ft. sophomore forward scoring 32 points to defeat Collins girls 68-51. Scoring: Deb Carroll 23 pts.; Joan Altes 18 pts.; Jan Talburt 10 pts.; Janice Hunt (g) 15 rebounds.

Collins boys were unable to hold their 32-30 halftime lead, losing a close game to Maxwell 56-50. Maxwell outscored Colles 18-7 in the 3rd quarter. Lineup: Rick McQuiston 11 pts.; Stan Carroll 8 pts.; Dick Huntrods, Jerry Adams, Steve Caroll, 6 pts. each; Bob Oswalt 5 pts.;Ed Fitzgerald 4 pts.; Bill Crabb and Bill Huntrods, 2 pts. each. Collins team had 25 rebounds with Maxwell team - 37.

December 22, 1970. The Collins School tax levy is 44.905 millage rate. This is the lowest school millage rate of the 15 schools in Story County. The next lowest level is Colo 47.213 and Maxwell is 53.750. The highest millage levy is Ames 91.324.

December 28, 1970. Story Countyhad the third largest population growth in the state during 1960 - 70 decade with 12 of the 15 towns and cities showing an increase in population. Collins (435 to 404), Kelley (239 to 235), and Maxwell (773 to 758) had slight decreases, losing only 53 persons. Huxley had the largest increase, from 486 to 937--93%. Slater had 53% increase, 717 to 1,094; Colo 574 to 606; Roland 748 to 803.

January 8, 1971. The Collins Clipperettes moved into the championship game of the Star Conference tournament, 69-47 win over New Providence. This was their third victory in the last four games. Lineup: Joan Altes and Debbie Carroll, 21 pts. each; Jan Talburt 13 pts.; Sandy Barrett 8 pts.; Jodee Holland 2 pts.; Jan Halverson 4 pts.; Jodee Holland 2 pts. Guards Rebounding: Janice Hunt 12; Nancy Long 5; Karen Kingman 2.

The Collins Boys were victims of their 34 fouls, losing to New Providence 71-58. New Providence made 29 of 50 free throws, while Collins made 12 of 23 from only 17 New Providence fouls. Although, the Clippers had a 40-32 rebounding edge and a 3 field goal margin, they still lost 71-58. Lineup: Steve Carroll 12 pts.; Bob Oswalt 9 pts.; Rick McQuistion, Ed Fitzgerald, Dick Huntrods, Stan Carroll 6 pts. each; Bill Crabb 5; Bill Huntrods and Guy Elliott 3 pts. each; Jerry Adams 2 pts. Rebounding: Bob Oswalt 10; Jerry Adams 8.

January 9, 1971. The State Higher Education Facilities Commission honored 2,196 high school students for their outstanding academic achievements, 31 from Story County. This recognition entitles the students the opportunity to compete for a limited number of monetary state scholarships. State scholars are selected on the basis of their high school class rank and American College Tests (ACT). The monetary scholarships are awarded by order of academic rank to those who need financial assistance. The awards are limited to tuition and fees with a maximum $800 and must be used at an eligible Iowa college, university, public vocational-technical school, or certified school of nursing. The number of scholarships for the 1971-72 academic year depends upon the appropriation voted by the 1971 legislature. $525,000 was allotted during the 1961-71 years. Janice Hunt of Collins is an ACT qualifier.

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