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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Annual Staff: (From the annual) Row 1: Assist. Editor - John Hale; Editor - Cathy Carroll; Business Manager - Peg Mullihan; Faculty Advisor - Mr. Brooks. Row 2: Michelle Rhoads, Deb Beal, Cindi Cochran, Ida Walton, Marie Newton, Marian Evans, Becky Wright, Jean Chittenden. Row 3: John Adams, Jim Adams, Craig Talburt, Rod Stevens, Randy Smith. Row 4: Joe Sandve, Bob Earles, Marvin Huntrods, Doyle Uitermark, Kent Kimberley, Mark Atwood.

Student Council: (From the annual) Row 1: Marvin Huntrods - Pres.; John Hale - V. Pres.; Deanna Tiffany - Sec.; Mr. Dexter - Faculty Advisor. Row 2: Steve Carroll, Sandy Walton, Roxanne Newman, Jean Chittenden - Treas.; Marty Tjelmeland, Steve Lancaster.

Librarians: (From the annual) Row 1: Sandy Barrett, Miss Follmer - Faculty Advisor; Rhonda Holsinger. Row 2: Darlene Beal, Sandy Walton, Carmon Clark, Gerald Page, Deb Beal, Nancy Long, Cathy Carroll.

Literary Staff: (From the annual) Row 1: Marla Shaw, Becky Wright, Mrs. Phillips - Faculty Advisor; Sandy Walton. Row 2: Becky Newman, Marie Harrier, Carmon Clark, Deb Beal, Jean Chittenden, Elaine Kimberley, Peg Mullihan. Row 3: Joe Sandve, Rod Stevens, Carl Middleton, David Williams.

National Honor Society: (From the annual) Row 1: Peggy Mullihan - Pres.; Rod Stevens - V. Pres.; Marie Newton - Sec.; Jean Chittenden - Treas. Row 2: Janice Hunt, Joe Sandve, Mrs. Phillips - Faculty Advisor.

1970 National Honor Society: (From the annual) Row 1: Mrs. Phillips - Faculty Advisor; Becky Newman, Cathy Carroll, Carol Middleton, Vaughn Noring, Dennis Stratton - New Members. Row 2: Rod Stevens, Marie Newton, Jean Chittenden, Janice Hunt, Peg Mullihan, Joe Sandve.

FTA (From the annual) Row 1: Faculty Advisor - Mrs. Schroder; Pres. - John Hale; V. Pres. - Kent Kimberley; Sec. - Becky Wright. Row 2: Michelle Rhoads, Cathy Carroll, Carol Middleton, Joy Robinson, Donna Maxwell, Peg Mullihan. Row 3: Vaughn Noring, Mark Atwood, Jodee Holland, Doyle Uitermark, Marvin Huntrods. Row 4: Paul Lengeling, Jean Chittenden, Brad Kimberley, Marian Evans, Carl Middleton.

Homecoming 1970: (From the annual) Row 1: Queen Candidates - Michelle Rhoads, Cathy Carroll, Peg Mullihan, Jean Chittenden. Row 2: King Candidates - Kent Kimberley, Marvin Huntrods, John Hale, Mark Atwood. Elected Queen - Cathy Carroll. Elected King - Marvin Huntrods.

Letterman's Club (From the annual) Row 1: Nancy Mullihan, Patty Harmon, Barb Breer, Becky Wright, Cathy Carroll - V. Pres.; Joan Altes - Sec.; Nancy Long, Carol Halverson, Ida Walton, Jean Chittenden, Michelle Rhoads, Peg Mullihan. Row 2: Randy Holsinger, Denny Stratton, Ed Fitzgerald, Rita Caulkins, Janice Findlay, Sandy Walton, Teresa Luing, Mary Ann Peterson, Kay Ann Kloppenborg, Rod Stevens, Joe Sandve, John Adams, Jim Adams, Coach Bill Brooks - Faculty Advisor. Row 3: Jim Novinger, Vaughn Noring, Mark Atwood, Dick Huntrods, Bill Huntrods, Marvin Huntrods, Bob Earles, Bob Oswalt, John Hale, Marty Tjelmeland, Rick McQuiston, Brad Moses, Stan Carroll, Jerry Adams, Coach Garry Hamilton - Faculty Advisor.

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