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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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1968-70 Boys Basketball Season Summary: (From the annual) Scheduled Games: Collins Won - Bondurant 61-54; Mingo 60-54; Maxwell 59-42; Green Mountain 64-62. Lost - Baxter 66-59 and 50-33; LDF 78-48; Garwin 53-48; Maxwell 79-68; Green Mountain (Star Conference Tourney) 58-45; Colo - 58-57 and 71-51; SEMCO 53-37; Steamboat Rock 67-53; Mingo 60-51; Bondurant 73-62; New Providence 50-43.

Sectional Tournament: First round - Colo 78, Collins 76 (double overtime).

Total season record: Won - 4 Lost 14.

Team members -Names most often in lineup: Mark Atwood, Marvin Huntrods, John Hale, Ed Fitzgerald, Dick Huntrods, Rick McQuiston, Bob Oswalt.

Basketball Squad Members: (From the annual) Row 1: Managers - Denny Stratton, Vaughn Noring, Tom Wright. Row 2: Ed Fitzgerald, Steve Carroll, Stan Carroll, Mark Atwood, Bob Oswalt, Dick Huntrods, Marvin Huntrods, Bill Huntrods, John Hale, Bill Crabb, Gerald Page, Rick McQuiston, Coach - Garry Hamilton.

March 3, 1970 How Tax Money is Divided Among Story County Schools - Under the State Aid formula, developed by the Iowa State Education Association and the Farm Bureau two years ago, money is taken from each district according to its wealth and given back to each district according to its lack of wealth and the number of pupils. The "combined State Aid" is made up of (1) Basic County property tax, (2) Income Tax share, (3) State Equalization aid. If the combined sum doesn't cover the cost, which it does not, then each district must levy an additional tax directly against property owners to make up the additional needed funds. An example, under this system, Ames received about $370,000 more dollars in property tax than the district generated and NESCO lost $113,470. There is no way to calculate the origin of money used in equalization aid, but it is obtained by the state from general tax revenues.

Basic Property Tax (Districts): Collins $100,100; Maxwell $112,600; Colo $156,000; NESCO $248,400.

Districts (Gain or Loss in Taxes): Collins lost $28,350; Maxwell lost $10,750; Colo lost $57,500; NESCO lost $96,700.

Districts (General aid payments [payment per pupil] made by the state in February for 1/4 of the year.): Collins $38.00; Maxwell $46.00; Colo $42.00; NESCO $49.00.

March 5, 1970 Coaches Balloting in Nevada Journal All-Story County Girls Team for the 1969-70 Season: Collins placings - First Team: Cathy Carroll - forward (630 season points). Honorable Mention: Joan Altes - forward, Nancy Long - guard.

Coaches Balloting in Nevada Journal All-Story County Boys Team for the 1969-70 Season: Collins placings - Honorable Mention: Mark Atwood and Marvin Huntrods.

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