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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Voluntary Student Participation
(Source - 1969 Annual)

Athletic Activities are included in date order in above narratives.

Dedication of Our Annual to Our Parents

In understanding and deep appreciation, this volume of the 1969 Clipper is dedicated to our parents. From 1950 to 1969 their love and guidance have provided with the challenge to succeed in life. As in each year, but especially in this year, may their every endeavor have been worthwhile. This dedication is an attempt to express a life of love and say "THANK YOU" - Mom and Dad

Stage Band: (From the annual) (Left to right) Row 1: Marty Tjelmeland, (?) (?), Sandy Barrett, Rita Caulkins, (?) (?), Joan Altes, (?) (?), John Hale. Row 2: (?) Stratton, Brad Moses, Teresa Luing, Linda Carroll, Cathy Jo Carroll, Janice Hunt, Rebecca Wright, Chris Atwood, Joy Robinson, Rodney Stevens. Row 3: Craig Stratton, Bob Oswalt, (?) (?), Stan Carroll, Vaughn Noring, Lonnie Mullihan, Mark Atwood, Ronald Beavers, Carl Middleton.

Boys Glee: (From the annual) (From left to right) Row 1: Joe Fitzgerald, John Hale, Jim Titus, Ken Beavers, Gordon Carver, John Evans, Paul Lengeling, Director Mr. Kuhns. Row 2: Tom Kimberley, Mark Atwood, Rodney Stevens, Dan Breer, Ken Talburt, Randy Smith, Bob Oswalt, Marvin Huntrods. Row 3: Carl Middleton, Ronald Beavers, Dave Williams, Marty Tjemeland, Bill Long, Brad Kimberley, David Lingeling, Rick McQuiston. Row 4: Brad Moses, (?) (?) , Lonnie Mullihan, Craig Stratton, Dick Huntrods, Vaughn Noring.

Girls Trio: (From the annual) Michelle Rhoads, Chris Atwood, ________ Mullihan

Chromatics: (From the annual) (Left to right) Row 1: Cynthia Cochran, (?) (?), Karmen Kimberley, Janice Hunt, Rebecca Wright, (?) (?), (?) (?) Row 2: Craig Stratton, Marvin Huntrods, Chris Atwood, Michelle Rhoads, Peg Mullihan, Gordon Carver, Ken Beavers. Row 3: Bob Oswalt, John Hale, John Evans, (?) (?), Ronald Beavers, Director Mr. Kuhns.

Collins Hi-Lites: (From the annual) (From left to right) Marion Evans, Laura Kimberley, Jean Chittenden.

Dance Team: (From the annual) Row 1: Left - (?) (?),Right - Barbara Breer. Row 2: Patty Harmon. Row 3: Left - (?) (?), right - Marian Peterson.

Hootenannies: (From the annual) (From left to right) Vertical Row 1: (From bottom up) Ken Beavers, Craig Stratton, Gordon Carver, Craig Talburt, Mark Atwood, Rick McQuiston, Carl Middleton. Horizontal Row: Tom Kimberley, Jim Hale, Linda Middleton, (?) (?), (?) (?). Vertical Row 2: (from bottom up) Marty Tjemeland, Lori Kimberley, Jean Chittenden, Linda Middleton, Jane Maxwell, JoAnn Novinger, Marian Evans.

Paper Staff: (From the annual) (Left to right) Row 1: Marian Evans, Peg Mullihan, Mary Rice, Linda Harmon, Joy Robinson, Faculty member. Row 2: Linda Middleton, Lori Kimberley, Jean Chittenden, Chris Atwood, JoAnn Novinger, Jane Maxwell, (?) (?). Row 3: Donna Rumbaugh, Kathy McQuiston, Rebecca Wright, (?) (?), Carol Middleton, (?) (?) , Elaine Evans. Row 4: Linda Carroll, Michelle Rhoads, Paul Lingeling, Karmen Kimberley, Lisa Pointer.

Annual Staff: (From the annual) (Left to right) Row 1: Deb Long, (?) (?), Lynn Clark, Carol Middleton, Elaine Evans, Jane Maxwell. Row 2: Lois Gross, (?) (?), Donna Rumbaugh, Lisa Pointer, Mary Rice, Ana Marie Villaneuva, Chris Atwood. Row 3: Frank Beavers, (? (?), Kathy McQuiston, Karmen Kimberley, JoAnn Novinger, Linda Carroll, Mark Peterson. Row 4: Dewey West, Joe Fitzgerald, Stan Carroll, Jim Titus, John Evans, Paul Lingeling, Faculty Member - Mr. Brooks.

Student Council: (From the annual) (Left to right) Row 1: Joyce Whittaker, Barbara Breer, Jerry Whitaker, John Evans, Faculty member. Row 2: Tom Kimberley, Lois Gross, Rodney Stevens, Kyla Stratton, Brad Kimberley.

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