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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Track Meet at Colo Collins boys were 3rd with 49 points competing against SEMCO, Colo and Mingo, Collins Placings: Shot Put - Jim Adams - 3rd; Discus - Jim Novinger - 5th; High Jump - Dick Huntrods - 3rd; Pole Vault - Mark Atwood - 2nd; 120-yard high hurdles - Mike Mullihan - 4th, Tom Kimberley - 5th; 100 yd dash - Jerry Whitaker - 2nd; 220 yd dash - Jerry Whitaker - 2nd; Mile run - Mark Atwood - 1st, Stan Carroll - 4th; 440-yd dash - Rodney Stevens - 3rd; 180-yd low hurdles - Tom Kimberley - 4th, Mike Mullihan - 5th; Medley relay - Collins - 2nd; 880-yd run - Stan Carroll - 3rd; 440-yd relay - Collins - 2nd; Mile relay - Collins - 3rd.

April 10, 1969 The Kindergarten Roundup for Collins School will be held on April 23 for registration of the 1969-70 school year. Kindergarten teacher is Mrs. Arlene Toft.

Collins School District Aid and Relative Wealth The school aid is part of the new tax plan approved by the 1967 Iowa Legislature in which Iowa Schools are now financed from three sources (1) Local property tax, (2) County equalization fund, and (3) State equalization fund. Money for the county fund comes from a uniform county property Tax plus 40% of all the personal income tax paid in by residents of the county. An example is the Waterloo school district has a relative wealth per pupil in 1968 of $84.13 with $100 being the state average. The Rembrandt school district had a wealth factor of $154.00 compared to Waterloo's $84.13. Only three Story County school were below the state average of $100 in the relative wealth factor: Ames - $94.47, Ballard - $91.07, and Gilbert - $96.59. Nevada listed a wealth factor of $102.00, which qualified for $204.68 per pupil in state aid and their spending per pupil is $501.69. Collins school relative wealth is $128.04. Cost per pupil is $545.53 and aid per pupil is $216.83. Maxwell community relative wealth is $102.08. Cost per pupil - $583.89 and aid per pupil is $266.09. NESCO School had the highest cost per pupil - $661.75.

April 16, 1969 King's track relay at Zearing Eighteen teams entered. Collins team placed 15th. (Event Placings not found).

April 17, 1969 Queen's track relay at Zearing Nineteen teams entered. Collins team placing is 10th with 13 points. Collins Event Placings: Long Jump - Cathy Carroll - 1st, 15' 11"; 100-yard dash - Cathy Carroll - 5th; 220 yd dash - Cathy Carroll - 2nd; 60 yd dash - Joan Altes - 4th; 440-yd relay - Collins 5th.

April 18, 1969 Boys Dual Track Meet at Baxter - Baxter defeated Collins 94-35. Collins Event Placings: High Jump - Dick Huntrods - 2nd; Shot put - Vaughn Noring - 2nd; Long Jump - Jim Adams - 2nd; Discus - Mark Atwood - 1st; 100 yd dash - Jerry Whitaker - 2nd; 220 yd dash - Jerry Whitaker - 3rd; Mile run - Mark Atwood - 1st, Stan Carroll - 2nd; 440-yd dash - Randy Holsinger - 2nd; Brad Moses - 3rd; 880-yd run - Paul Lengeling - 3rd; 2-mile run - Tom Wright - 2nd.

April 21, 1969 District Track Meet Collins will compete in the Class C school category at Norwalk on May 10. Twenty-four schools are in this district meet.

April 22, 1969 Girls SEMCO Relays Fifteen teams entered. Collins team placed 10th. Collins Event Placings: 100 yd dash - Cathy Carroll - 2nd; 220 yd dash - Cathy Carroll - 1st; 220 yd low hurdles - Teresa Luing - 5th; Long jump - Cathy Carroll - 1st, 15' 6" (tied meet record).

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