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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Boys Basketball Season Summary (Insert 2008: No information found on season record in the newspapers and only team picture in the school annual.) (From left to right) Rick McQuiston, Stan Carroll, Bob Oswalt, Mark Atwood, Rodney Stevens, Marvin Huntrods, Jerry Adams, John Hale, Gordon Carver, Jim Adams, Ed Fitzgerald, Coach Garry Hamilton.

March 5, 1969 Girls Basketball Season Summary - All-Story County Basketball Selections: Girls - Collins Second team Linda Carroll (forward) (senior); Honorable mention: Karmen Kimberley (guard) (senior). (Insert 2008: No other information found on season record in the newspapers and only team picture in the school annual.) Regular Starting 6: Forwards - Linda Carroll, Donna Rumbaugh, Cathy Carroll. Guards - Deb Long, Karmen Kimberley, Peg Mullihan. Annual picture of girls basketball squad - (From left to right) Row 1: Donna Rumbaugh, Karmen Kimberley, Linda Carroll, Deb Long, Cathy Carroll, Peg Mullihan. Row 2: Coach Bill Brooks, Nancy Long, Joan Altes, Janice Hunt, Nancy Mullihan, (?) (?), (?) (?).

Two Collins Seniors Honored - Collins senior girls Mary Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rice, and Chris Atwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Atwood were honored at the Ta-Ma-Ja Band Festival held in Baxter on February 8. Mary and Chris have been the accompanists for the vocal events every year and this is their last year. The conference wished to express its appreciation in some way. Both Chris and Mary have also accompanied instrumentals in all the band festivals. Since the girls are non-professionals, the president of the conference introduced the girls during the intermission and two beautiful trophies were presented to their high school musical instructor, Paul Kuhns, to be held and given to each girl upon her graduation from Collins High School this spring.

In addition to their activities at festivals, both girls accompany many school music groups and are organists in the Methodist Church. Mary is a former piano student of Mrs. Frances Stone and Chris is a former student of Mrs. Irma Iverson.

April 3, 1969 Collins School Approved In a letter dated March 24, 1969 State Supt. Paul Johnston informed Collins Supt. Ted Reith that Collins School has been reinstated to the list of approved schools in the state and will be eligible for state aid. Collins, aLong with some 200 other schools in the state, had been taken from the approved list previously because of alleged infractions of the regulations. The Collins infractions had been minor, largely dealing with the hiring of a "trained librarian."

(Note: Collins School did not have a track. They utilized/improvised the school grounds and the adjoining street for conditioning, training and practice.)

April 8, 1969 Track Meet Schedule - Girls: April 9 Collins, Mingo and Colfax at Mingo; April 14 Collins, Mingo and Colo at Colo; April 16 Queen's Relays at NESCO; April 21 SEMCO Relays at Toledo; April 28 Green Mountain Relays at Toledo; May 2 Viqueen Relays at Story City; May 6 Ta Ma Ja Conference Meet at Colo; May 9 District Meet; May 12 Star Conference Meet at Toledo; May 16 State Meet.

Track Meet Schedule - Boys: April 8 Collins, SEMCO, Colo and Mingo at Colo; April 15 King's Relays at NESCO; April 24 Green Mountain Relays; May 5 Ta Ma Ja Conference Meet at Colo; May 9 District Meet; May 12 Star Conference Meet at Toledo; May 17 State Meet.

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