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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Literary Magazine Staff: (From the annual) Row 1: Karen Jacobsen, Jack Richeson, J________ Maxwell, Mike Kimberley, Faculty Advisor - Mrs. Kinney. Row 2: Becky Wright, Laura Kimberley, Tom Morrison, Chris Atwood, Mary Rice. Row 3: L________Williams, Kyle Krebs, Gordon Carver, JoAnn Novinger.

Honor Society: (From the annual) Row 1: Jack Richeson, Barb Oswalt, Kathy Hunt, Steve Holland. Row 2: Mary Rice, JoAnn Novinger, Jerry Whitaker, Diane Huntrods, Chris Atwood.

Letterman's Club - Girls and Boys: (From the annual) Row 1: Steve Holland, Carol Earles, Karen Jacobson, Kathy Graves, Cathy Jo Carroll, Michelle Rhoads, ________ Wright, Jim Titus. Row 2: Jerry Whitaker, Janet Dickel, Gordon Carver, John Evans, Kyle Krebs, Mike Kimberley, Linda Carroll, Donna Rumbaugh, Karmen Kimberley. Row 3: Dawn Beavers, Pam Snyder, Kathy Hunt, (?) (?), Steve Cochran, Charles Page, Teresa Evans, Jane Maxwell, (?) (?), Bill Brooks - Coach. Row 4: Bob Middleton, Marvin Huntrods, Mark Atwood, Mark Krausman, (?) (?), Mike Mullihan, Tom Morrison, Linda Middleton, Jo Ann Novinger, John Hale, Roger Holland.

Home-Ec Club: (From the annual - names not listed) 41 members

Homecoming King and Queen Candidates: (From the annual) Row 1: Pam Snyder, Cathy Carroll, Teresa Evans, Kathy Huntrods. Row 2: Steve Holland, Roger Holland, Michael Mullihan, Tom Morrison.

Advertising in the School Annual: Collins advertising ads - 18; nearby community ads - 30; Collins booster contributions - 12; nearby community booster contributions - 62. Total -122.

SCHOOL YEAR 1968 - 69

August 27, 1968 Opening Day of School Collins Students return for their first day of school Monday. Enrollment is 275, a decrease from 294 of the prior year. Twenty-six seniors graduated in the spring and only 11 kindergarten students are enrolled. Enrollment is: Kindergarten - 11; 1st grade - 15; 2nd - 14; 3rd - 20; 4th - 22; 5th - 21; 6th - 17; 7th - 21; 8th - 27 Total 168; High School: 9th - 24; 10th - 32; 11th - 25; 12th - 26 Total 107. Enrollment = 275.

Faculty - Junior High and High: (From the annual) Supt. -T. J. Reith; Princ. - R. G. Dexter; Business Education and Athletics - William (Bill) Brooks; Music Director - Mr. Kuhns; Math and French - Beverly Hiles; Coach and (?) - Mr. Hamilton; Positions unidentified in the annual: Mr. VanDerWilt, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Nyhan, Miss Cradduck, Mrs. Nyhus, Mrs. Bjork, Mr. Garvey. Secretary - Mrs. Bernice Ogburn; Custodian - Leonard Page; Cooks - Ruth Huntrods and two others (unidentified); Bus Drivers - Reid Beavers, Charles Fish, Don Luing, Dick Holland.

School Board Russell Oswalt, board member for the past six years, has announced he would like to end his tenure as board member for District 1, area north of Collins. To date no one has filed nomination papers. The term of District Treasurer, Marie Morrison, expires June 30, 1969 and voters will be asked to elect a replacement or to re-elect her. No one has filed nomination papers for the position. Deadline for filing is August 30.

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