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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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(Non-academic) 1967-68
Voluntary Student Participation
(Source - 1968 Annual)

Athletic Activities are included in date order in above narratives.

Senior Band: (From the annual - names not listed) 60 members, Director - Paul Kuhns

Stage Band: (From the annual) Piano - Chris Atwood. Xylophone - Rebecca Wright. Standup Base Guitar - (?) (?). Row 1: Barbara Oswalt, (?) (?), Cathy Carroll, Teresa Evans, Linda Carroll, Joan Altes, Pam Snyder, (?) (?). Row 2: Brad Moses, (?) (?), Bob Altes, Rod Stevens, _______ Stratton, ________ Stratton. Row 3: Paul Kuhns - Music Director, John Hale, Tom Morrison, Carol Earles, Ron Beavers, Vaughn Noring, Lonnie Mullihan, Mark Krausman.

Junior Stage Band: (From the annual - names not listed) 22 members, Director - Paul Kuhns

Chromatics: (From the annual) Row 1: Jo Ann Novinger, Chris Atwood, Kathy Huntrods, Barbara Oswalt, Karen Jacobson, Jean Chittendon, Mary Ann Evans. Row 2: Teresa Evans, Peggy Mullihan, Jack Richeson, Steve Holland, Kathy Hunt, Janet Dickel, Karmen Kimberley. Row 3: Gordon Carver, Steve Cochran, Roger Holland, Rodney Stevens, Randy Smith, Ron Beavers. Faculty Director - not shown.

Hootenany (Girls and Boys): (From the annual) Row 1: Kyle Krebs, Linda Willliams, Tom Morrison, Lori Kimberley, Ken Beavers, Rebecca Wright, Mike Mullihan, Mary Rice. Row 2: John Evans, Chris Atwood, Gordon Carver, Cathy Graves (?), Steve Holland, Michelle Rhoads, Ron Beavers, (?) (?), John Hale.

Girls Glee Club: (From the annual) Row 1: (?) (?), Mary Rice, Cathy Graves, Barbarba Oswalt, Karen Jacobson, Kathy Hunt, Peggy Evans, Kathy Huntrods, (?) (?). Row 2: Michelle Rhoads, Mary Ann Evans, Janice Hunt, (?) (?),(?) (?),(?) (?), Kay Kloppenborg, Joan Altes, (?) (?), Joan Chittenden. Row 3: Lori Kimberley, (?) (?), Linda Williams, (?) (?), Nancy Mullihan, (?) (?), Becky Newman, Rebecca Wright, Ida Walton, Cynthia Cochran. Row 4: Karmen Kimberley, ________ Middleton, (?) (?), Joy Robertson, Jane Maxwell, Pam Snyder, Cathy Jo Carroll, Janet Dickel, Chris Atwood, Jo Ann Novinger.

Boys Glee Club: (From the annual) Row 1: Randy Smithy, Mike Kimberley, John Evans, Kyle Krebs, Steve Holland, Steve Cochran, Jim Titus, Bob Oswalt, Jerry Whitaker. Row 2: Ron Beavers, Carl Middleton, Brad Kimberley, ________ Lengeling, Gordon Carver, John Hale, Joe Sandve, Rick McQuiston. Row 3: Mr. Kuhns - Music Director, Bill Long, Doyle Uitermark, Dave Williams, Ken Beavers, (?) (?), Rod Stevens, Mark Atwood, (?) (?). Row 4: Marvin Huntrods, Tom Morrison, Roger Holland, Mike Mullihan, Paul Lengeling, Jack Richeson, Charles Page, Mark Atwood.

Hi-Lites "68": (From the annual) Row 1: Linda W________, Linda C________(queen), Deanna T________, Peggy M________. Row 2: Mike K________(king), Gordon Carver, Harold Rumbaugh, Mark Atwood.

Junior High Stage Band: (From the annual - names not listed) 20 members, Director - Paul Kuhns

Junior High Band: (From the annual - names not listed) 28 members, Director Paul Kuhns

Junior High Mixed Chorus: (From the annual - names not listed) 54 members, Director Paul Kuhns.

Paper Staff: (From the annual) Row 1: Faculty Advisor - Unknown, Lois Gross, Lori Kimberley, Karmen Kimberley, Cathy Clemons, Kathy Hunt, Mary Rice. Row 2: (?) (?), Kathy Huntrods, Barbara Oswalt, Teresa Evans, Pam Snyder, Janet Dickel, (?) (?),(?) (?). Row 3: Karen Jacobson, Gordon Carver, Linda Carroll, Kyle Krebs, Mike Kimberley, (?) (?), Jane Maxwell, Ken Beavers. Row 4: Rebecca Wright, Jack Richeson, Mary Ann Evans, Jean Chittenden (?), Michelle Rhoads, Peggy Mullihan, Linda Middleton, Tom Morrison.

Annual Staff: (From the annual) Row 1: Teresa Evans, Cathy Clemons, Mike Kimberley, Mark Krausman, Barbara Oswalt, Carol Earles, Kathy Huntrods. Row 2: Kathy Hunt, Linda Williams, Karen Jacobson, Pam Snyder, Dawn Beavers, Janet Dickel. Row 3: Steve Cochran, Charles Page, Steve Holland, Roger Holland, Tom Morrison, Mike Mullihan, Cathy Kelderhouse. Row 4: Jerry Smith, Larry Findlay, Jack Richeson, Bob Middleton, John Beals, Dan Newman, Bob Graves - Faculty Advisors.

Student Council: (From the annual) Row 1: Jan Dickel, Roger Holland, Linda Carroll, Mike Mullihan. Row 2: Ed Fitzgerald, Michelle Rhoads, John Hale, Janice Hunt, Gordon Carver.

Librarians: (From the annual) Row 1: Jack Richeson, Laura Kimberley, Karen Jacobsen, Kathy Huntrods, Faculty Advisor - Mrs. Kinney. Row 2: Debbie Beal, Becky Wright, Diane Huntrods, Lois Gross.

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