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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Advertising in the School Annual: Collins advertising ads - Barrett Grocery; Hale's Elevator; Dick Long & Nason Kloppenborg (Carpenters and Contractors); Wilder Grain Co., Dick's Mobile; Antiques - Wes Borts; Varsity Lanes; Luing Trucking Co.; Collins Grocery; Pointer's Service; Exchange State Bank, Vasey & Tjemeland Co. Collins booster contributions - Ernie's DX; Dodd's Cafe; Bob's Place; Rice Garage; Collins Hardware; Dr. Smith; Collins Retirement Home; Iowa Fine Meats; Charlotte's Beauty Shop; Holland Oil Co.; T. V. & Radio Service - Milton Hale; Morrison Trucks. Nearby community ads - From Maxwell: Logsdon Grocery; Cooper Furniture; Curtis Pharmacy; Rumbaugh Grocery - From Colfax: First National Bank. Nearby community booster contributions - From Maxwell, Baxter, Colo, Mingo, State Center, Rhodes, Nevada, Zearing. Total 63.

SCHOOL YEAR 1967 - 68

August 17, 1967 The Collins Community School will officially open on Friday, Sept. 1 with a full schedule of classes to be held at which time textbooks and assignments will be made. Students entering grades 11 and 12 pre-registered last spring: all other students will register on Friday as part of their first day back to school. Registration will be part of our first day's instruction and will count as a school day like any other day.

School hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with busses unloading students at the school at 8:15 a.m. Kindergarten classes will meet in the forenoons and students will be brought home for lunch. They will ride the regular busses in the morning and will be brought home by special bus on the return trip. On August 30 and 31 students will come to the school building to purchase lunch and milk tickets and take care of textbook rentals, etc. Hot lunch ticket prices: Students - 20-day at $6.00; Extra milk - 20-days is .40. Adults - 20-day is $7.00; one milk included with each meal. Textbook rentals are $5.00 per year. Workbooks will be priced at cost. Faculty workshop will be held August 30 and 31 beginning at 9:30 a.m. each day. Enrollment is expected to slightly exceed 300 again this year after slipping to 298 last year. High school enrollment of grades 9-12 is estimated to be 106.

Also Open House at Collins Community School on August 30 and 31 for those who care to look at the improvements made during the summer. Mr. Page, custodian, is to be complemented for his summer's cleanup work.

School Faculty: T. J. Reith - Supt.; Harold Smith - Guidance and Administrative Principal; Robert Graves - Science; William Brooks - Business Education and Athletics; Charles Cody Barnett - Safety Education and Shop; Carolyn McCoy - Home Ec. and Junior High Science; Paul Kuhns - Vocal and Instrumental Music; Beverly Hiles - Mathematics and Advanced French; Carol Kenney - English, Speech, Dramatics; Caroline Marie Ash - Social Studies; Judith (Frederickson) Rosenblat - Elementary and High School Art; Elizabeth Bailey - Junior High Principal; Carolyn Hubbard - Kindergarten; Donna Ose - 1st; Marilyn Moses - 2nd; Patricia McIntosh - 3rd; Elizabeth Carhart - 4th; Judith Newquist - 5th; Irene White - 6th; Rosalie Mellor - English.

September 14, 1967 Faculty Party - The Collins Teachers Association sponsored a cooperative dinner Friday evening, Sept. 9 in the Collins lunchroom to welcome the new faculty members and their families. The entire school personnel, board of education, and their families were present to enjoy a delicious dinner and social hour.

Class Officers: Freshmen - Pres. - Bob Oswalt; V. Pres. - Carl Middleton; Sec. - Joan Altes; Treas. - Becky Newman; Soph: Pres. - Mark Atwood ; V. Pres. - Cathy Carroll; Sec.- Laura Kimberley; Treas. - Marvin Huntrods; Juniors: Pres. - Jim Titus; V. Pres. - Linda Middleton; Sec. - Mary Rice; Treas. - Lisa Pointer; Seniors: Pres. - Jack Richeson; V. Pres. - Roger Holland; Sec. - Kathy Hunt; Treas. - Barbara Oswalt. Junior High - 7th: Pres. - Roxanne Newman; V. Pres. - Jodee Holland; Sec. - Cindy Schmitt; Treas. - Steven Carroll. 8th: Pres. - Sandra Walton; V. Pres. - Tom Kimberley; Sec. - Patricia Dunson; Treas. - Rita Caulkins.

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