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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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May 11, 1967 "Professor, How Could You!!" is the title of the Senior Class Play to be presented May 12. The Cast: Terry Krausman, Bill Hamilton, Lee Huntrods, Dan Newman, Kevan Stratton, Kay Robinson, Connie Dickel, Marilyn Carson, Jean Kimberley, Mickey Holland. Director - Mrs. Hedrick.

"Castles in the Sky" was the theme at the Junior Senior Prom was held at the Collins Community School Saturday night. A drawbridge was the entrance into the building. The garden had a wishing well, sundial, and a flower bed of geraniums. Blue and white streamers, and hanging stars covered the ceiling. One wall had a charcoal painting of a castle created by Tom Morrison. Dan Newman, president of the junior class, gave the welcome. Denny Holland, president of the senior class, gave the response. Dan presented Mr. Jim Altwegg, principal, for his presentation to the juniors and seniors. Jack Richeson gave the innovation. The banquet tables were removed and tables put in place for dancing to the music of "The Spartans" band from Des Moines. Prom concluded at 12:00 midnight.

Alumni Commencement Speaker will be Mr. Melvin Anderson whose topic will be "Where from Here?" Mr. Anderson lived on a farm in Page County and graduated from the Coin high school. Alumni Banquet will be May 27 in the Collins High School at 6:30 p.m. with a dance following. Tickets are available at Hale's Elevator, Pointer's Service, Exchange State Bank, and Park Café.

Baccalaureate will be held May 14 in the high school auditorium/gym. The speaker will be Rev. Wilton Grant.

May 18, 1967 Eighteen seniors will receive diplomas in the Collins High School Commencement May 18.

Program: Processional - "Pomp and Circumstance" - Collins Concert Band;

Invocation - Rev. Wilton Grant; "Graduation Day" - Mixed Chorus;

Address - Melvin Anderson, "Where from Here?." Anderson completed his BA at State Teachers College of Iowa (University of Northern Iowa) and MS degree completed at Iowa State University. He has been a member of the Dept. of Public Instruction for 45 leaders.

Principal, James Altwegg, will present Valedictorian - Kevan Stratton, Salutatorian - Victoria Mullihan.

Supt. Reith, will present the seniors for awarding of diplomas by School Board Pres., Russell Oswalt.

Mixed chorus - "Climb Every Mountain."

Benediction - Rev. Fred Gee

Recessional "Grand March" - Collins Concert Band

Class Roll: Susan Adams, Marilyn Carson, Connie Dickel, Lorraine Findlay, James (Jim) Hale, Richard Holland, Mickey Holland, William Hamilton, Lee Huntrods, Jean Kimberley, Terrance Krausman, James Lehman, Victoria McQuiston, Michael Middleton, Victoria Mullihan, Kay Robinson, Sandra Rumbaugh, Kevan Stratton.

(Insert: See Alumni Directory on last pages of this Part)

May 25, 1967 Student Awards Day was held on May 19.

Valedictorian - Kevan Stratton, grade point of 3.789 - son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stratton;

Salutatorian - Victoria Mullihan, grade point of 3.447, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullihan.

National Honor Society - Chris Atwood, Diane Huntrods, JoAnn Novinger, Mary Rice, Jerry Whitaker, Kevan Stratton, Jim Hale. Citizenship Award: Dennis Holland. Math Award: Kevan Stratton. Science Symposium Award: Jerry Whitaker, JoAnn Novinger, Barbara Oswalt, Mary Rice. Music Award: Ninth grade - Becky Wright; Tenth grade - Chris Atwood, Mary Rice; Eleventh grade - Barbara Oswalt; Twelfth grade - Kay Robinson.

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