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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (Non-academic) 1965-66
Voluntary Student Participation
(Source - 1966 Annual)

Athletic Activities are included in date order in above narratives.

Band: (From the annual) Row 1. K. Robinson, Teresa Evans, L. Williams, K. Hunt. Row 2. Marilyn Carson, J. Dickel, K. Jacobsen, Cathy Carroll, J. Hale, Linda Carroll, J. Hunt, T. Luing, Pam Snyder, Barbara Oswalt. Row 3. J. Altes, R. Caulkins, C. Halverson, L. Dassenko, Marilee Rhoads, E. Anderson, Verlyn Noring, R. Smith, R. Beavers, C. Earles, Greg Robinson, Dennis Holland, Lee Huntrods, Christine Atwood, M. Krausman, D. Stratton, B. Oswalt, R. Stevens. Row 4. John Crabb, B. Wright, C. Graves, G. Graves, J. Hale, Director - Mr. Groethe, Steve Holland, John Kloppenborg .

Chromatics: (From the annual) Row 1. Carla Rhoads, Christine Atwood, Barbara Oswalt, Jean Kimberley, Teresa Evans, Kay Robinson. Row 2. M. Kimberley, Steve Holland, John Crabb, Dennis Holland, Bill Hamilton, Greg Robinson.

Mixed Quartet: (From the annual) Greg Robinson, Kay Robinson, Barb Oswalt, John Crabb.

Sextet: (From the annual) Kay Robinson, Chris Atwood, Barb Oswalt, Jean Kimberley, Teresa Evans, Carla Rhoads.

Mixed Chorus: (From the annual) Row 1. J. Dickel, M. McQuiston, JoAnn Novinger, Carla Rhoads, Dawn Beavers, K. Jacobsen, Jean Kimberley, Teresa Evans, Chris Atwood, Mary Rice, Linda Carroll, Kay Robinson. Row 2. J. Hale, John Kloppenborg, Marilyn Carson, Linda Williams, Pam Luing, Vicki Mullihan, Barb Oswalt, Pam Snyder, Kay Hunt, Mickey Holland, J. Lehman, M. Kimberley. Row 3. J. Swaim, Steve Cochran, Lee Huntrods, John Crabb, Mike Mullihan, Dennis Holland, Roger Holland, Bill Christian, Greg Robinson, Steve Holland, Bill Hamilton, Director - Mr. Groethe.

Paper Staff: (From the annual) Editor - Greg Robinson; Assistant Editor - Kay Robinson; Feature Writers - Vicki Mullihan, Marilyn Carson, Dennis Holland; Sports Writers - Chris Atwood, M. Middleton; Music News - Barb Oswalt; Class News - K. Hunt; Typists - Carla Rhoads, Pam Luing, S. Johnson. Sponsor - Mrs. Mellor.

Annual Staff: (From the annual) Row 1. Bill Brooks - Faculty Advisor, R. Sheibley, John Kloppenborg, G. Dickel. Row 2. Sue Lingeling, Linda Clemons, S. Johnson, M. McQuiston, Pam Luing, Carla Rhoads, Vicki Robinett. Row 3. Greg Robinson, D. Kimberley, Gerald Maxwell, Ed Carver, John Crabb, K. Krausman.

Student Council: (From the annual) Row 1. Vicki Mullihan, Barb Oswalt, D. Long, JoAnn Novinger. Row 2. T. Krausman, M. Kimberley, G. Dickel, John Kloppenborg, John Crabb.

Honor Society (From the annual) Row 1. Lee Huntrods, Linda Clemons, Greg Robinson, Vicki Mullihan, Steve Holland. Row 2. Mr. Altwegg - Faculty Advisor, Barb Oswalt, K. Hunt, Jack Richeson, Marilyn Carson, Kay Robinson.

Foreign Country Exchange Student: (From the annual) Patricia Escobar - Mexico City, Mexico. Resided with Cyril and Jean Lengeling family south of Collins.

Homecoming, January 7, 1966: (From the annual) Row 1. Queen Candidates - Sue Lengeling, Sheila Johnson, Queen - Linda Clemons, Carla Rhoads. (Last year's queen - Karen Kingman). Row 2. King Candidates - Dave Kimberley, Ed Carver, King - Greg Robinson, John Kloppenborg.

Librarians: (From the annual) Row 1. C. Earles, Kay Robinson, Marilyn Carson, L. Findlay. Row 2. Kay McQuiston, John Kloppenborg, Jack Richeson, Mike Mullihan, Tom Morrison, J. Beales, V. McQuiston.

Advertising in the School Annual: Collins advertising ads - 12; nearby community ads - 28; Collins booster contributions - 18; nearby community booster contributions - 63. Total 121.

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